She pressed her eyes shut before slowly opening them.

“Anything else you can tell me?” He kept his voice gentle, sensing she couldn’t handle much more.

Andi glanced around. “Those candles represent the people he’s fought for. He put a murderer behind bars, you know.”

“That’s impressive.”

Andi’s gaze narrowed as she studied the bobblehead dolls. “Four of them are missing.”

“What?” His voice climbed with surprise. “How do you know that? Don’t you just listen to him on the radio?”

“I’ve watched some of his videos too. I like to put a face to the name, you know?”

“So you’re sure some are missing? There aren’t any obvious empty spaces.”

She nodded. “I’m positive. I can’t tell you which ones. I’d have to watch some old podcasts.”

“You think the killer took them?” He tried to think through the details. “And then moved the others to make it look like nothing was missing?”

She twisted her head. “It’s my best guess.”

“Okay . . . what else?” Duke needed to keep her focused. Otherwise, she might freak out over the dead body they were trapped inside this house with. “How did he record his podcasts?”

She drew in a deep breath. “I assume he used the camera on his computer.”

“This computer?” Duke pointed to the laptop, which was now closed.

“Yes. The killer must have closed it at some point so no one would see his face.” Her voice cracked. Then she sucked on her bottom lip a moment. “But I wonder if we can see anything up until the point when he did that. Craig had a commercial break, which lasted about forty seconds. A lot can happen in forty seconds.”

Duke raised an eyebrow. “You sound like you know a lot about stuff like this.”

“Like I said,Law and Order.”

Duke again sensed there was more Andi wasn’t saying. But he didn’t push.

He understood secrets and why some people needed to keep them.

Including himself.

“See what you can find,” he told her.

It might seem as if they were impeding a police investigation. That wasn’t what Duke wanted.

But time was of the essence right now. If this murder had happened only an hour and a half ago, then the killer couldn’t have gotten but so far away.

By the time the police got here, there was no telling where the killer could be. There were plenty of places north of the Yukon River where someone could go to hide.

He should have never let her come along. He’d known from the start it was a bad idea.

Andi stepped forward and a strangely mystical sound filled the air.

She glanced down and sucked in a breath.

“Baoding balls,” she practically whispered. “Craig always used them on air. Said they helped him keep his Zen.”


Andi raised her phone and snapped a few pictures.