She was going to miss that meeting.

However, it was supposed to last all day. So maybe—just maybe—the road would open up later. Maybe there was still a chance . . .

“You want me to send Skeeter to pick you up and take you to Coldfoot?” Lockjaw asked.

Everything inside her rebelled at that suggestion, but she didn’t want to get into those details. “No, I’ll be just fine here. I don’t suppose there’s anything else I can do until the road opens and my truck is able to be towed. Correct?”

“No,” Lockjaw said. “Just stay put and stay warm. I’ll be in touch with you later about some details.”

Andi ended the call and gripped her phone more tightly.

She could feel her opportunity slipping through her fingers so quickly that her head spun.

Had all of this been for nothing? Had she put in all this work only to fail?

If she still had any faith, maybe she’d believe there was a purpose for all this.

But she didn’t.

Life did what life did. There wasn’t a reason for every detour and disappointment.

How would she find answers?

She sighed. Right now, she’d take a shower and clean herself up. Simmy had said she had some clothes and shampoo she could borrow. The woman was curvier than Andi, so Andi would wear her own jeans and borrow the rest.

When Andi finished getting ready, she would tackle her day the same way she always did—by taking the bull by the horns.

* * *

Duke hadn’t gotten much sleep. He’d woken up a couple of times and thought about adding wood to the fire even though the power had come back on.

But Ranger had beat him to it.

Then he’d sent out some emails to other clients he was supposed to take on tours this week. He hated to cancel or reschedule on them, but with the road being as it was, he had no choice.

Afterward, as he’d lain there, his thoughts went to Trooper Bosch. He hoped to hear an update this morning—and to learn that the man was okay.

So much was still uncertain.

He lay in his sleeping bag a while longer, knowing that once he began to stir other people would as well.

Andi had already gotten up, he noticed. She’d probably headed for the restroom.

As he heard someone step into the room, he sat up.

Gibson grabbed a quick cup of coffee. Even from a distance, Duke could see the man was exhausted. He’d been up all night and in the cold searching for his colleague.

The situation didn’t look good.

Duke climbed from his sleeping bag, and the cold immediately attacked any exposed skin. Ignoring it, he strode across the room toward the officer.

He kept his voice low as he asked, “Any updates?”

Gibson motioned to the hallway where the bedrooms were, and they paced that way so no one could overhear them.

“The guys were out there searching most of the night looking for Bosch. But so far there’s nothing.”

“So what are you doing today?” Duke asked.