Duke glanced around the semicircle before letting out a sigh. “I’ll examine some of the evidence from the case files. Details are kind of my thing.”

Everyone turned toward the final person in their circle: Ranger.

He scanned each of their gazes, looking less than thrilled to be pulled into this with his stoic expression.

Finally, he grunted then said, “I know Obadiah Blanco.”

Andi perked, her back straightening. “You know Henrietta’s oldest son?”

“Yep.” He shrugged. “I’ll talk to him.”

Andi’s thoughts raced.

That had been unexpected. He’d just now mentioned this important fact?

Not only was it an important fact—but it was valuable.

Maybe when all of them put their heads together, they could come up with some answers.


After the taskshad been divided up, they all shared their cell phone numbers.

Then Simmy found sleeping bags for everyone in an old storage area, and they placed them around the fire.

They attempted to sleep.

Not too long after they settled down, the power came back on. The room grew a little warmer, and the heat seemed to lull those around Andi to sleep.

Andi had managed to doze off a few times, but at seven a.m. her phone rang.

It was Lockjaw.

She hurried away from the fireplace—already missing its warmth—and stepped into the hallway, hoping she wouldn’t wake anyone. She hoped he would tell her the highway was open. If she left soon, she could still make it back.

But she’d need to borrow a car or catch a ride.

She felt certain that Duke would need to take Mariella and Matthew to Fairbanks ASAP. He probably had other tours lined up.

Last night had been fun but temporary. Now the police would need to take over.

Maybe they’d all stay in touch and share clues. But that was all.

They each had their own lives to return to.

And Andi still needed to put Victor behind bars.

“The highway is still closed.” Each of Lockjaw’s words sounded more like a bark. “There’s been some damage, but the state hopes to be able to fix it sometime today.”

“What? Are you sure?” Her heart beat harder.

“I’m positive.”

“But . . .”

“I know you’re anxious to get back, but it won’t be happening this morning. I’m sorry.”

Disappointment pressed on her.