“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she rushed. “Did you find anything?”

“Nothing concrete.” Duke didn’t want to get into those details now. Instead, his gaze went to the new guy. “Who are you?”

“This is Ranger,” Simmy answered.

Did Ranger not speak for himself?

The man hardly looked at Duke. He didn’t raise his head, only his eyes as he continued to quietly sip a cup of coffee.

“He works part time for the park service,” Simmy continued. “He lives off the land for the other part of the year.”

“Why didn’t I see you pull up?” Duke stared at the man, no intention of backing down.

The guy glared at him before rolling his shoulders back.

“Probably because of the storm.” His voice sounded gruff and almost biting. “I was heading south, but the road is closed so I came here instead.”

There was a chance Duke wouldn’t have seen his headlights. Wouldn’t have heard his engine. Wouldn’t have noticed the vehicle in the lot due to the snowfall.

He’d been behind the shed.

The heater was running, adding a hum to the air.

However, the timing of all of this . . . it put Duke on edge.

Duke turned to Simmy, not one to mince words. “You can trust this guy?”

She waved her hand in the air, for a brief moment appearing as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “Yes, yes. I know the stakes right now. I’m being careful.”

Duke wanted to argue with her, but he didn’t.

He had other things to do first.

“I need to call Trooper Gibson again,” he grumbled. “While I do that, can you find me a screwdriver? I need to fix that lock.”

“Of course.” Simmy scrambled toward her office.

As Duke pulled out his phone to call Gibson, he glanced at Andi. Saw she still stood near the door, the exhaustion on her face growing exponentially.

He figured she could use a moment alone to cool down after that confrontation outside.

She had to be frightened.

That hadn’t been his intention. But Duke had thought for sure she was the killer coming back. With the snow clouding his vision, it had been hard to make out details. He’d simply reacted.

He was glad he hadn’t hurt her.

Because he could have done serious damage—and he’d never forgive himself if that were the case.

Gibson answered his call, and Duke gave him the update.

“You can’t find him?” Gibson repeated.

“That’s right. I’m sorry.” Duke’s jaw tightened. “You want me to go out there and look more? I’m pretty sure this guy got away on a snow machine, however, and took Bosch with him.”

Gibson paused a moment. “Your best course is to stay with everyone, just in case. But we’re going to have to pull in officers from wherever they’re available. We’ve got to find him.”

“I agree.” Duke knew how serious this was. A missing law enforcement officer would be their top priority—as it should be.