
Duke triedto contain his irritation.

But it took every ounce of his willpower to do so.

He’d expected Andi to stay inside. It was too dangerous out here.

She didn’t have the survival skills he had. Ones the Army had taught him.

And unfortunately, survival was the name of the game right now.

He would never purposely hurt her—or any woman.

But he almost accidentally had.

And who was this Ranger guy Andi had left Simmy with? In all the times he’d stopped here, Duke had never met the man.

He didn’t like wild cards.

His irritation deepened.

Duke took out his frustration by stomping through the snow as they headed back to the trading post.

This had perhaps been the longest day of his life.

In these winter months, day and night blended together. But he thought it might be close to midnight. He wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t about to check his watch right now.

The time wasn’t that important.

Keeping everyone at the trading post safe was.

Though Duke wasn’t directly responsible for Andi and Simmy, he felt as if he were. And he wasdefinitelyresponsible for Mariella and Matthew.

He didn’t want to see anything happen to anyone under his authorized or unauthorized care.

Finally, he and Andi reached the door.

He scowled again as he remembered the broken lock, a detail Simmy certainly could have mentioned earlier.

He opened the door for Andi—the action almost automatic since he’d been raised to be a gentleman—and then stepped inside behind her and stomped the snow from his boots.

Andi did the same before casting a fleeting glance his way as if trying to read his mood.

Duke didn’t want to have to explain his state of mind.

He had too many other things to worry about right now than offending anyone.

He stormed into the cafeteria and glanced around, his gaze stopping on Simmy.

She sat at a table with a strange man across from her.

The guy looked rough, rugged, and nearly feral.

Duke had never met him or even seen him before.

As Duke paused in front of them, Simmy rose. Wrinkles of concern formed around her eyes as she turned toward him. But it was more than concern—there was also grief.

He still didn’t know what the full story was with Craig or why Simmy thought he might be her father. She’d share if and when she wanted to.