Her eyes widened when she saw the snow in Duke’s hands.

A spot of blood dotted the middle of it.

Her gaze wandered to the ground, and she grabbed her phone, turning on the flashlight. She had to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

Sure enough, a single set of footprints led from these vehicles all the way to the parking lot of the trading post.

Andi couldn’t see blood for the entire trail, but she’d bet there were drops beside each step.

A new chill filled her, one colder than the Arctic surrounding her.

Duke dropped the handful of snow and turned toward her. “We’ve got to get to Simmy and the rest of the gang.”

Andi nodded in agreement. She hoped they didn’t arrive too late.

In three seconds flat, she and Duke were back on the snow machine and headed toward the trading post.

Duke parked and, before he could even cut the engine, Andi climbed off and headed toward the door.

“Wait!” he called.

She gave him a glance back but didn’t slow down. “We need to warn them.”

In a few strides, Duke reached her and grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop. “We don’t know what we’re going to find inside.”

Images of Craig filled her mind.

What if they went inside only to find everyone had been butchered?

Andi’s stomach roiled at the thought.

The two of them had no idea what they were up against right now. Andi wanted to think they were overreacting. But it was better to err on the side of caution.

She shrugged out of Duke’s grasp and nodded. “Fine. We go in together.”

He unzipped his snowsuit far enough to grab his gun. Then he pushed himself in front of Andi.

He hesitated a moment before reaching for the door and twisting the knob.

To Andi’s surprise, the door opened.

Why wasn’t the building locked? Duke had specifically told Simmy to secure it before they left. It was one of his stipulations.

Her spine pinched tighter.

The familiar cloudy light buzzed above them as they stepped inside.

Silence stretched around them after the door closed.

Not just normal silence either.Eeriesilence.

Silence because it was late and people had gone to bed?

Or silence because something was wrong?

Andi’s gut twisted.

When she’d left Prudhoe Bay this morning, she’d never imagined all this might transpire. If that man hadn’t been standing in the middle of the road during this crazy storm, she wouldn’t be in the middle of this right now.