She had to get back to Fairbanks.

If she missed that meeting Victor was having . . . her one opportunity to find answers might slip away. All her work over the past four months would be in vain.

What if the road didn’t open in time?

She didn’t know. She couldn’t think like that now.

Slowly, she and Duke walked along the wall of the small entry area to the edge where the cafeteria came into view.

She dreaded what they might find.

As they stepped around the corner, Andi spotted a figure standing against the wall.

Just waiting to attack.

* * *

Duke saw the figure waiting for them and raised his gun.

Then Simmy’s face came into view as she stepped forward and swung a cast iron pan at his head.

He ducked. “Wait! It’s me!”

The pan hit the wall instead.

He rose, tucked his gun away, and stared at the dent in the wall. “Remind me never to make you mad.”

“Duke?” Simmy froze and lowered the pan. Then she nearly collapsed into a puddle on the floor.

Duke caught her, pushed her back upright, and then held her steady until she found her balance again.

He studied her pale skin, concern filling his chest. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, her eyes still wide with shock. “I’m sorry. I was just . . . just so frightened.”

“Did something happen?” Andi rushed, taking a step closer.

Simmy shook her head. “Just Craig . . .”

Andi pulled her into a hug, and Simmy seemed to melt in her arms.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Andi murmured. “I was worried.”

“My phone line went out.” Simmy’s voice sounded at just above a whisper. “I tried to call you, and that’s when I discovered I didn’t have a signal. Given everything that’s happened, my mind went to worst-case scenarios . . .”

“I thought you were going to keep this place locked.” Duke’s hard voice entered the conversation. He wasn’t sure if he should bring it up, given her current mental state. But considering everything that had happened, he had no choice.

A frown tugged at her lips. “The lock doesn’t work. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you wouldn’t leave if I did.”

Duke’s eyes narrowed when he realized Simmy had purposefully deceived him. If there was one thing he hated, it was being lied to. “You should have told me.”

“I know. But I was . . . desperate.”

Duke’s thoughts shot to Mariella and Matthew. “Is everyone else here okay?”

“Your guests are sleeping like babies,” Simmy said. “They’re fine.”

Relief washed through him—but only for a moment.