
Two hours later,Andi and Duke were still at Craig’s place.

Andi had long since gotten off the phone with Simmy. Her friend had reacted to the news just as Andi had expected—with shock, grief, and sadness.

Telling her about Craig had been painful, to say the least. But Andi couldn’t hide the truth from Simmy.

Still, she’d heard the pain in her friend’s voice, and Andi wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Andi wished she could be there to comfort Simmy. But she couldn’t leave.

She and Duke couldn’t go anywhere yet without a car, and more police backup was on the way with no estimated time of arrival.

While she waited, she’d been given permission to sit at the kitchen table. Gibson had already checked it for prints and photographed it. She shifted in the thick wooden chair, her elbows resting on the tabletop as she waited.

But with every passing moment, she grew both more anxious and more weary.

That wasn’t to mention irritated.

Duke clearly knew something about what happened that he wasn’t sharing with her.

Andi knew it was really none of her business.

But she still wanted to know.

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, hating how she was being kept in the dark.

Celeste . . .

That had been the name on the bracelet.

Who was Celeste? And what did she have to do with this mess?

She glanced at Duke as he stood in the hallway with Gibson.

What did he know that he wasn’t sharing?

More than he was letting on.

Somehow, after all of this was over and the road was open, Andi couldn’t see herself simply heading back to Fairbanks and resuming life as normal.

Not until she had some answers.

But she wasn’t sure exactly how this was going to play out.

* * *

Duke couldn’t stop thinking about the bracelet.

He knew Gibson would need to take it as evidence, but Duke desperately wanted to keep it. He had it in his pocket now.

Gibson said he wanted to check out the studio first. But, when he finished, they could check to see if any other evidence had been left concerning Celeste.

Duke hadn’t even looked for anything earlier. He’d had no idea he should.

Could Craig be involved somehow with those missing women?

According to Gibson, the man didn’t have a criminal history.