But he had.

He grasped the bracelet and frowned.

A painful ache formed in his heart at the memories. The agony he felt was one he’d never experienced until Celeste disappeared. He’d been left with unimaginable grief.

“You doing okay?” Gibson studied his face as if trying to figure out what to do next.

His voice snapped Duke from his thoughts and brought him back to the present.

But everything felt like a blur around him.

In the background, he heard Andi talking to Simmy in low tones.

He saw the evidence markers in the hallway.

He remembered Craig’s dead body.

His heart pounded harder.

Duke glanced at Trooper Gibson. Gibson was the officer Duke had spoken with after Celeste disappeared.

Every month without fail for the past twenty-two months, Duke had contacted the man to see if there were any updates in the case.

Every month the answer was no.

Authorities were no closer to finding out what happened to his fiancée now than they were when she disappeared.

In fact, this bracelet was the first clue they’d found—to Duke’s knowledge—about her possible whereabouts.

Did Craig Rogers have something to do with Celeste’s disappearance? It was the only thing that made sense. Why else would he have something that belonged to her?

Anger burned through Duke when he mourned that he’d never have a chance to ask Craig.

No, Duke was going to have to find out that information himself.

And he would—if it was the last thing he did.

“I’ll look into this,” Gibson promised, his voice low and serious.

Gibson seemed to be one of the only people truly concerned about the missing women along the highway. Every other officer he’d spoken with had simply reminded Duke about all the other cases they had on their plates, making it seem as if some victims were more important than others.

Now, a new resolve stirred inside him.

More than anything he wanted answers.

Celeste was alive and somewhere out there. She had to be.

And Duke would never give up looking for her.

He stared at the bracelet in his hands again.

Wrapped his fingers around it and held it in his fist.

Finding it felt like confirmation that he was doing the right thing.

His mind raced as he tried to decide where to go from here.

Before he could do anything, he had to get this situation with Craig figured out—including who had murdered him.