Page 72 of SEALED By the Boss

“Sorry,” he rasped. “I didn’t mean to come at a bad time, but I had something important I needed to tell you.”

“We’ll discuss it later,” I said, brushing past him into the driveway. And then I realized I didn’t have my truck. I’d given it to her today. Her car was in the shop, getting fixed. Damn it.

“Please, this can’t wait,” he continued speaking. “I saw that Brick boy bringing his thugs to town.”

The mention of Brick’s name whipped me around to face the man.


“Yeah. I don’t know if you heard, but someone put him in the hospital. He’s been out of our hair for some time, but they say he rode in with that damn motorcycle gang of his. And I’m sure he’s going to stir up trouble.” His eyes were pleading. “Please, you have to do something. I know it ain’t your problem, but that man has been terrorizing our businesses and such for a long time now.”

I heard the words coming from the old man’s mouth, but my mind was far away. Something was clicking in there, forming a very ugly picture.

I knew I should have killed him.

I stupidly stopped keeping tabs on Brick after I beat him up that night. I thought it would be enough to scare him straight or at least get him to leave Tillie alone. But then again, if money wasn’t a motivator, what the fuck could it be? Why did he keep bothering her? Was there something else to this obsession of his?

Or was he just using her to get revenge against me?

“Where did they see that bastard?” I demanded.

“I don’t know. Jeff saw him drive in about an hour ago, and he’s not been to the bar yet, so I’m guessing he’s somewhere north, near the border. Or near the junkyard.”

I mapped out the area in my head. I’d only been in town for a few months, but one of the things I did was take a perimeter of the place. I usually did that when I went to a new place, just out of habit.

Wherever they took her from, it would have to be somewhere close to Tillie’s work, and if Brenda was involved, then maybe she lured Tillie out. Maybe she told Tillie to drive over to her place, meet her halfway, and then ambushed her there. It would also have to be somewhere relatively quiet in case she screamed.

I remembered the abandoned road I saw last time. The perfect place for hiding a victim.

“This your car?” I asked the old man, pointing to the truck in the driveway.

“Yeah, it is.”

“I’m gonna have to borrow it,” I said and rushed to it without waiting for an answer. I got in the car. Before I could drive off, Jeremiah got in the passenger seat, and I glanced over at him.

He shrugged. “Come on. I’m not gonna let you disappear with my truck just like that.”

I sighed. The man might slow me down, but it would be even slower if I tried to argue with him.

“Alright, but you do exactly what I say. Your life depends on it.”

“Roger that, commander.”

He clutched the handlebar as I zoomed out of the driveway.

I broke a few state laws getting to the place in time, my eyes scanning the area quickly as I drove. As I approached the abandoned road, I spotted my truck.

And I knew I was right.

They fucking had her in there. I just knew it.

My heart immediately began beating at me to get in there and rescue her right this fucking moment, but I made myself calm down. I couldn’t make any rash movements. She would be dead if I rushed it.

But if they’d hurt her…if they made her bleed…their death would be slow and painful.

“Wait here,” I instructed the old man. “And don’t say a single fucking word.”

The old man nodded quietly.