Page 73 of SEALED By the Boss

I crept to the building without making a single sound, sticking to the shadows as I scouted the area. I heard faint voices coming from a window, so I moved stealthily toward it.

“Oh, we’re going to have fun with you.” It was Brick’s ugly mocking tone. “Just wait.”

“Go to hell,” Tillie snapped.

“Oh, feisty. I like it.” Brick laughed. “I was so happy when your father gave you to me. He sold you for ten bottles, can you believe it? That was all you were worth to him?”

Another strike against Max. God, I couldn’t believe I had ever called that man a friend. I couldn’t believe the depths he’d sunk to.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been looking forward to this, princess. No idea.”

“You know he’ll find you, right?” I heard Tillie say, her voice trembling with rage. “Ezra. It’s what he does. He finds disgusting parasites like you guys, and he exterminates you all from the world.”

I heard a chorus of laughter at her words, warning me that there was more than one person inside.

“Yeah,” Brick said with a chuckle. “He will probably find out. But by that time, we’ll be long gone, and he’ll only find his destroyed little flower.”

I tried to block out the pure rage erupting within me, but it wasn’t possible. Hearing what they planned to do to her sent the blood coursing through my brain, igniting a killing frenzy I had not felt in my entire life. The course was already set.

Brick wasn’t getting out of this alive.

I used the shadows to count how many people were in the room, getting an idea of their rough location. They were armed, no doubt.

Guerrilla warfare. I had done missions like this, where we were outgunned and outmanned. But there were two things we had on them. Knowledge of the environment. And the element of surprise.

I was going to use the latter in particular.

I was going to surprise them. Of course, it would only last for a few seconds, but it didn’t matter. A few seconds was all the time I needed.

It was dark out already, and the only thing casting shadows was a single bulb in the middle of the room in the uncompleted building. I needed to cut off that light source first. I scanned the area for wires, noting one that peeked out of the walls.


I crept over there, picking up a random stick and pushing it under. I pulled a little, and it snapped.

The minute the light went out, panic ensued.

“What the fuck was that?” came a shout.

“Someone turned off the light!” Another warned, but it was already too late. With a hop, I was in the building.

The first man was dead with a snap of the neck.

Someone screamed as the body thudded on the floor.

“Did you hear that?”

“What the fuck is going on?”

“Get your gun! I think someone’s here!”

“I’m scared,” Brenda cried out.

Only Tillie was quiet because she probably knew what was happening.

She knew I’d come for her.

And her since made it much easier to tell who the enemies were.