Page 17 of Nanny to a Guy

Luca’s home was perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific, with coastline for as far as I could see. The house itself was larger than the one he’d rented in Michigan, though I wouldn’t call it overly ostentatious. With a partially open floor plan, it had a huge chef’s kitchen, a gorgeous living room with a view of the water as well as an open dining room. Beyond that was a game/movie/family room, an office and four bedrooms.

True to his word, my luggage was put in his bedroom. Noa’s nursery was diagonal from us, across the hallway. Tonight, we’d be all alone in the room.

Not for the first time, I was struggling with the fact I’d slept with my boss—wasstillsleeping with him and didn’t have any intention of nipping that in the bud. Even so, the morning after we’d first had sex, after he’d made it clear, in not so many words, that he’d be moving back to California, I’d contacted Ardith and asked her to find me a replacement. I hadn’t given her details, but she must have deduced the reason from my instruction that the new nanny would have to come to San Francisco, so Ardith hadn’t asked.

I just couldn’t wrap my head around sleeping with Luca while I worked for him. The reality that he’d re-relocate, coming back to his west coast base troubled me.

Too much about this situation overwhelmed me. I was just a hometown girl who had roots in the place where she’d grown up, went to college near where she’d always loved, and never had plans to leave. Which left me torn because I really wanted to see where things went with Luca, wanted to see if what had captured me all those years ago was truly meant to be.

But I knew me. Moving across the country hadn’t even been in my plans. I wasn’t like my parents who’d shaken off all the chains of convention and taken off to explore every part of the world they could.

And Luca…he was out of my league. Just looking around and knowing all he’d accomplished told me that. Sure, I valued myself. I was a kick-ass nanny, smart, graduated with honors, but I was a realist. I didn’t see myself keeping the interest of a sexy millionaire, perhaps even a billionaire, who lived in a million-dollar—or more—home in San Francisco.

“I ordered dinner to be delivered. I hope you’re hungry,” Luca said, coming into the living room where I was setting up Noa to play, propping her to sit in the new Boppy pillow that had been here when we‘d arrived. She waved her arms at her toys, loving being upright. And I loved this little girl as if she were my own. It had happened so fast, but imagining my life without her or her daddy hurt my heart.

“I could eat,” I said, smiling up at him.

A suggestive look darkened his face, his eyes hooding with desire. “If there wasn’t a baby right here, I’d—”

I held up my hand. “Don’t you dare say it.” My grin widened. “But remind me of it later.”

“Oh, I will. But unfortunately…”


“I have to go into the office this afternoon. Jake made an appointment for me, since he knew we’d be back. Will you be okay here?”

Much as I’d like to say no, because I didn’t want him to go when we’d just arrived, I didn’t say so. “Of course, we’ll be fine. You gave me the security codes. I have the house key. Noa and I will explore while you’re gone.”

He reached out a hand, and as soon as I placed mine in it, he pulled me to my feet. He slipped his arms around my waist, holding me against his chest. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Really. The whole point of us traveling was your work.”

He nodded. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to spend the first whole day here with you. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.”

“It’s fine,” I reiterated quietly just before his lips covered mine. His mesmerizing mouth that managed to erase my thoughts, my worries, when they were on me.

The doorbell rang. Luca groaned and dropped his forehead against mine. “Damn it,” he muttered. “They were fast.”

“Most people wouldn’t complain about that.”

“Most people don’t have you in their arms.” His eyes opened, peering into mine. “Tonight.”

“Tonight,” I agreed. And while he was gone, I’d sort through my feelings and get my head straight.

However, it turned out I couldn’t parse through and settle my roiling emotions. Worry and guilt bubbled inside me, tightening my chest and making me feel sick. It only got worse when the prospect of leaving them got all-too-real hours later.

After Luca left that afternoon, Noa went down for her nap, and I checked my email. Ardith had messaged about a replacement for me who’d be available soon. She’d also mentioned another placement I could take in a suburb about twenty miles north of where I lived. Someplace near home.

I’d stared at the screen for a long time, torn for an answer. Finally, I’d told her I’d get back to her. She wrote back almost immediately and asked that I let her know by the end of the week, so she could nail down things with the other nanny and the family.

I closed my eyes. This should be so easy. Luca was everything I’d always wanted, and the way he made me feel… No man had ever made me feel so cherished and desired. No one had ever set my blood on fire and made me want to tackle him and get naked, no matter where we were.

Why couldn’t I make this jump?

There was one person I could really talk to about this, someone who knew me better than anyone. Heading out onto the deck that overlooked the beach below the house, I settled into one of the thickly cushioned lounge chairs and dialed my phone.

“Hey, baby, you caught me at a great time,” she answered, her voice filled with more joy than I’d ever heard in it during my formative years.