Page 16 of Nanny to a Guy

“We never had that wall sex,” I muttered as I closed the door and pressed her back to the wood. “Reach up and hold onto the robe hook and don’t let go.”

“You really are kinky.” But she did as I asked, the move making her back arch and her breasts jut into me. Pressing her thighs wide and high in her helpless position, I thrust into her slippery pussy. A growl rolled from deep in my throat at the tight glove of her walls and the way they squeezed me while her arousal throbbed through her.

This was heaven, and by God, I planned to be here every day—at least twice.

* * *

Waking with Em, warm and naked in my arms, was beyond anything I’d ever imagined for my life. I’d never really considered having a long-term partner—a wife even—when I’d envisioned my future. It had always been about success and wealth and recognition. Intimacy and a woman at my side, a family, had never really figured into things.

Yet, this morning with Em, her hair webbed over my chest, her warm breath on my skin, cemented the future that had been creeping in on me since I opened the front door to her a few weeks ago. Me and Em, Noa and more kids. Kids…

I hadn’t used a condom last night, either of the times we’d had sex. I hadn’t even brought any with me on this trip. That’s how far from planning us coming together I’d been. Sure, I’d known without a doubt it would happen. Just not yet.

I supposed I could buy some. Or not. Tilting my head, I peered down at Em, imagining the kids we’d have together and wanting to see her swollen with my child . Just the idea stirred my cock against the thigh she had thrown over me.

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it,” she murmured, otherwise not moving. “Noa’s gonna wake up any minute now.”

“You want me to brew you some coffee before I have to head down to the trade show?” I didn’t have an exhibit here this year. My attendance was solely to make connections and to scope out what others were doing. Next year, we’d have a massive exhibit, but we’d also be attending shows for teaching and medical professions.

That being said, I could leave this morning without being missed terribly. Tempting.

My phone pinged quietly on the side table, dragging me from that train of thought. Shirking work for sex. That was a new one for me. Something I wanted to explore, though.

Rolling slightly, I angled Em so I could kiss her. Yes, this was the life.

Her hands buried in my hair as she pressed closer, but another ping from my unanswered text pulled us apart.

“Yes to the coffee.” She sat up, pulling the blankets up with her as I rolled to sit on the edge of the bed and grab my phone. “Anything important?” she asked while I thumbed open the screen.

“It’s from my assistant. My Washington meeting got rescheduled to next month. Tomorrow, we’ll fly to San Francisco instead of Seattle.”

Grabbing my boxers, I slid them on then went to start the brewer.

“So what’s the plan today?”

“I have the trade show. I can come back and take you and Noa to lunch if you’d like.”

She shrugged, looking over toward the windows. “I don’t want to interfere with your work.”

“You won’t be. I want to spend time with you. Once we get back to California, things might be crazy since I’ve been working remote since Noa was born. Everyone in the office will have some reason to try to book a meeting with me.”

“It’s hard working remote, isn’t it?”

“It’s doable.” I pulled her coffee from under the brewer and mixed in the creamer she liked. Bringing it over and handing it to her, I sat near her hip. “Being outside the office, across the country, has had it’s issues. It’ll be easier to have everyone and everything right within reach, especially as we’re getting to the testing phases on the VR tutoring.”

Tension seemed to roll off Em as she gave me a strained smile. “You’ve missed it.”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head them raised and eyebrow, attempting to give me a flirty smile. It didn’t hide the tense lines. “Not a lot of sleep last night. Someone was keeping me up.”

“I can’t feel sorry for that. Ever.”

Hating the strain that had appeared, I attempted to return her jest with a lecherous smile that probably looked horrific. There was something she wasn’t saying, and it would bother me until I found out what it was.

