Page 25 of Garrett's Obsession



Momentsafter I muttered the words, “I’m pregnant,” my fiancé went from overprotective to caveman. Once the smoke cleared, he insisted on taking me to the Silver Spoon Falls Medical Center Emergency Room. When the doctor assured him everything looks perfectly normal, I watched his massive body sag with relief.

He insisted on taking me straight home and tucking me into bed. Alone. I could tell he was still a little freaked out over the whole home invasion episode, so I let him have his way.

Garrett finally calmed down a little after Cormac “Giant” Carmichael texted to say they’d taken Enzo and Rocco into custody. Evidently, the two Bellotti brothers were quite a bit worse for wear once Giant’s men got through with them, and they actually begged for the safety of a jail cell.

I didn’t say a word when Garrett told me Todd was going to crash at the MC clubhouse for a few nights, or when he insisted I take the rest of the week off of work to recuperate, or when he forced me to stay in bed for three days in a row even though I felt fine. But now, I’ve hit the end of my rope. I’m about to lose my mind from boredom and lust. Actually, it’s mostly from lust.

Coach Caveman, his new very appropriate name, is about to find out what happens when I’m pushed too far.

“Good afternoon, Cherry.” He walks into the bedroom and sits on the bed next to me. My mouth waters at the sight of him in his usual work uniform, a tight athletic polo shirt stretched across his muscular chest and nicely fitted khaki pants. Oh my. These pregnancy hormones are no joke. I might self-combust before I even get a chance to make my move on my fiancé. “How are you feeling today?”

“The same as I’ve been feeling the last three days,” I huff. “Fine and ready to get out of this bed.”

“I don’t know about that.” He’s really testing me. “What if there’s some little injury that we haven’t discovered yet?”

“I’m fine.” I take his hand in mine and give it a little squeeze. “The baby is fine and we’re going to stay fine because you take the best care of us.” His dark blue eyes shine with happiness as a huge smile breaks out on his face. “But I can’t take another minute in this bed.” I run my hand along his thigh, letting my pinky finger brush the rapidly expanding hardness below his waist.

His smile turns into a satisfied smirk. “What if I make it worth your while to stay in bed?”

“What do you have in mind?” I swear, if he suggests watching a movie or playing a game or anything else to occupy me that doesn’t involve the exchange of bodily fluids, I’m going to lose my mind.

“I could give you a back rub.” He’s getting warmer but not quite what I was hoping for.

“Or…” I reach down and unzip his pants. I don’t have the patience to wait for him to catch up with where I’m going. “We could do this.” I close my hand around his iron-hard erection and give it a little squeeze. When I run my thumb over the head and smear the wetness into his skin, he growls my name and scoots around to lie on the bed next to me. Score! I’ve got him right where I want him.

After days of dealing with sexual frustration, I’m not about to give him the time to think too hard and start to worry. I make quick work of unhooking his pants the rest of the way and tugging on them and his underwear. He lifts his hips and helps me remove them. I toss them aside before I drag his shirt up and over his head. I sit back and pull my t-shirt over my head and toss it on top of the pile of his clothes. “Fucking gorgeous.” His eyes darken to nearly black as he follows my movements.

“Thank you.” I’m still getting used to this level of intimacy. I push my reservations to the back of my mind and throw myself into satisfying my fiancé.

I close my hand around his cock before leaning over to close my lips over the velvety head. My hair falls across his legs, and Garrett slides his fingers through the thick tresses before gripping the back of my head and using his hold to urge me on.

While he whispers all sorts of dirty things he’s going to do to me, I throw myself into driving him out of his mind. I run my tongue down the front of his cock and back up while gently caressing his balls. His muscular thighs tremble as I close my lips around his cock and suck hard. I gag at first but soon discover I can relax my throat and suck him deeper.

His abdominal muscles ripple a second before he drags my head back to growl, “I’m not coming down your throat, Cherry.”

The next thing I know, I’m lying back, staring at the ceiling while he kisses his way down the center of my body. By the time he stops to give my belly a little kiss, I’m an overheated mess.

His warm breath brushes against my skin as he whispers against my stomach, “I love you, little one. Let’s go easy on your mother.” His sweet words cause my heart to melt.

“I second that.” I hope our baby listens. I’ve seen the inside of the toilet bowl enough in the last three days to last me a lifetime.

Garrett glances up and stares into my eyes. “I’m sorry you’re going through this, Cherry.”

“I’m not. I love carrying your child.” I’d go through anything for our baby. “I want at least four more.” I’ve always dreamed of having a big family.

“We’ll see how this pregnancy goes, then we’ll discuss it,” he insists and runs his tongue around my belly button.

“Wait a minute.” I pull his head up so he’s staring into my eyes. “I thought you wanted to have several children.” We just discussed this, and he insisted he wants a house full of kids.

“That was before I knew how hard pregnancy would be on you. I don’t want you to have to suffer through this again.” Aww. He’s so sweet and really freaking overprotective.

“It hasn’t been that bad.” I’d go through anything for our baby. “I’ve been a little morning-afternoon-night sick, but it’s not horrible, and my excitement for the baby overrides everything else.”

“I hope it doesn’t override your desire for me.” He leans down and runs his tongue around my clit as if to prove his point.