Page 24 of Garrett's Obsession

"Garrett?" She eyes me warily from the back of the ambulance. "Did you hear me?"

"I don't think I did," I admit. "I thought you said you're pregnant."

"I did. I mean, I am."

Jesus. My little Cherry is having my baby?

I jump into the back of the ambulance with her, falling to my knees beside the gurney. "Cherry," I choke, pressing my head to her stomach. "Jesus, baby."

She places her hand on the back of my head, sobbing quietly. "Are you happy, Garrett?"

Happy doesn't even come close. The reason I breathe is carrying my baby.

I lift my head as worry shoots through me. "Is the baby okay? Did they hurt the baby?"

"I don't think so," she whispers. "They were rough with me, but they didn't hit me in the stomach or anything. I think the baby will be okay."

I exhale a breath, though I know I won't quit worrying entirely until the baby is in our arms, safe and sound. I have a feeling she won't either, even if she never admits it.

"Todd will be excited."

"You think?" she asks, worrying her bottom lip.

I gently tug it from between her teeth. "I know so. He's going to be a fantastic uncle."

"Yeah, he wi—" She trails off, her eyes growing wide as something outside the ambulance catches her attention.

I turn to see what she's looking at and see Dillon and Cormac coming around the side of the house with Leone Bellotti in handcuffs between them. My field of vision goes red with rage. I leap to my feet, jumping from the ambulance with a furious roar.

"Garrett!" Ciara cries.

"You shady motherfucker!" I rush Leone, tackling him to the ground. He lands on his back, his head smacking the ground with an audiblethunk.

"Dammit, Garrett," Dillon growls.

"Nah, let him go," Cormac says. "He earned this."

I drive my fist into Leone's face, roaring in satisfaction when the cartilage of his nose cracks beneath my knuckles. "You attacked her!" I hit him again. "You hit her!" Again. "Bruised her!" Again. "Tied her up!" Blood runs down my knuckles when I hit him again. "You're fucking lucky you're in handcuffs right now, you piece of shit. If you weren't, vultures would be eating the pieces of you I’d scatter all over this state."

I clock him a final time and then drag myself off of him. It takes all the strength I possess to do it. I want to kill him. He put his hands on her. He could have killed our baby. But I won't let him win now. She needs me. She's had to do too much on her own for too long. Hell will freeze over before I leave her to raise our baby alone, too.

"Get this piece of shit out of here," I growl at Dillon.

"That's what I was trying to do, Kung Fu Panda," he mutters, grabbing a groaning Leone by the shirt to haul him back to his feet. "Looks like it's your lucky day, Bellotti. There's already an ambulance here to check you out since you decided to pick a fight with Garrett."

"Didn't pick no fight," he says in his bad Brooklyn accent.

"Yeah, you did. It's called fucking around and finding out. You just got to the finding out portion of the program." Dillon drags him away.

"My brothers are still looking for Rocco and Enzo," Cormac says. "We'll have them both rounded up by the end of the night for you. You want them brought here or to the jail when we find them?"

I hesitate for a moment before making my decision. "Take them to the jail."

As much as I'd like to teach them both a lesson, too, I'd rather spend the rest of the night with Ciara. Enzo and Rocco can rot in jail with their brother. Besides, I'm not stupid. I know damn well that all of this was Leone's idea. They'll pay for their role when they're sitting in a prison cell beside him.

"Will do." Cormac grins before jogging off after Dillon.

I turn and walk back to the ambulance, where Ciara and my future await me.