Page 20 of Garrett's Obsession

"I'll talk to your sister about having the MC teach you how to ride safely. I'm not making any promises, and I'm definitely not saying she'll agree to let you get a bike, but if it's something you want to learn how to do, the least we can do is make sure you learn from the best."

I clock him when he zones out toward the end of my statement, his gaze drifting toward the front of the parking lot. His brows furrow, his lips pulling down into a frown. "Again?" he mutters.

I glance over my shoulder, trying to figure out what caught his attention. Aside from Grady's BMW, my truck, and Ms. Hauptman's little hatchback, there aren't any other cars in the parking lot. I scan the roadway outside of the parking lot, my gaze falling on a blue town car idling at the curb.

I've seen it before, more than once, in fact. It belongs to Rocco Bellotti, Leone's youngest brother.

"Get in the truck," I order Todd.

He snaps to attention, reading the command in my tone. He doesn't ask questions or waste time. He simply jogs to the truck. I pop the locks, allowing him to climb inside. I keep an eye on Rocco's car as I circle around to the driver's side. When I go to climb in, the car speeds off, heading toward downtown.

I slam the door, turning to Todd.

"You've seen that car before?"

"Yeah. A few times," he mutters. "It was here after practice yesterday, and I thought I saw it down the street from the house while CeCe was at the school board meeting last night. And I'm pretty sure it was behind me and Grady the other day when he took me to school."


"Buckle up," I growl, pissed beyond belief. That shady motherfucker thinks he can target me through Ciara's little brother? Hell no. As soon as I get him to the compound, Dillon and I are dealing with this shit once and for all.



I lookover at the green numbers on the front of the microwave and wince. I freaking worked way too late again. If I don’t put a move on, I’m going to be late for my job at the Park Avenue Bar, and I don’t want to risk losing it. Razor Montgomery has been the best boss. Not only do we have a great working environment, but he’s also given everyone who came from the Last Resort Bar full benefits. For the first time since my parents died, I have health and dental insurance. He even gives us paid time off, which will come in handy in about eight months or so.

I’d been feeling a little off the last few days, so I took a little test this morning after my shower. The little positive sign didn’t shock me. I know Garrett is going to be a wonderful father. Just looking at how he treats my brother attests to that.

There’s no way I’m going to be ready in time, so I pull out my phone and send Carlie a quick text. We’ve gotten into the habit of carpooling to work after Garrett convinced Razor to give us the same shifts every week. Garrett says he did it so I could still spend time with Carlie now that he’s occupying me twenty-four-seven, but my overprotective fiancé doesn’t fool me. I know it’s so that I don’t have to drive to work and walk across the parking lot alone.


You’ll never guess what I did.


You lost track of time and you’re running late.


You know me so well.


I’m running a few minutes behind, too. I’ll come in and check out your new digs while you get ready. Hurry up or we’ll be late.

I senda thumbs up and rush to get dressed. Luckily, I know my own tendency to run late so I showered this morning.

After the run-in with Edna Know-it-all Hubbard and the school board, Garrett insisted that Todd and I move into his large, private home on the outskirts of town. Since he used his talented mouth and fingers as a means of persuasion, I was a gooey mess once he was done and would have agreed to just about anything.

Once I agreed, we went by my apartment to grab a few things for me and Todd to hold us over until we can move everything. Once we got back to his home, Garrett arranged for the MC brothers to help us move the rest this weekend.

I’m pulling on my uniform t-shirt and capri pants when my phone dings with another text.

Hot Fiancé

I have to stop and talk to Dillon a little bit, so I probably won’t be home before you leave for work. Is Carlie still picking you up?