Yes. Is everything okay?
Hot Fiancé
Just typical shit. I’ll be heading to the PAB right behind you. Save me my favorite spot.
Like anyone is brave enough to try to sit on your barstool.
Hot Fiancé
Love you, Cherry.
Love you, too. Don’t get into any trouble.
Hot Fiancé
Who, me?
Yes, you.
Hot Fiancé
I promise.
I heara knock on the front door and figure Carlie ended up making it here in record time. Without even looking through the peephole, I pull open the massive wooden door and almost pass out when I find Leone and Enzo Bellotti standing on the doorstep with matching looks of malice on their fake-tanned faces. My fight or flight instinct kicks in, but I’m not much of a fighter so I attempt to slam the door on them. Too bad, I’m not fast enough to achieve my goal, and Leone ends up kicking the door back out of my hands.
“You’re not getting away that easy, bitch.” Did this sleazy asshole just call me a bitch? I make sure to dig the heel of my tennis shoe into the top of his foot when he gives me a little shake.
“You need to leave.” I pull out of his hold and stand up to my full five-foot-one and three-quarters height. I attempt to block them from entering the door while I glare at the brothers. I keep telling myself to stall until my friend drives up. If Carlie sees these two, she’ll be able to sound the alarm. “Garrett will be home any minute,” I lie.
“Dream on.” Leone shoves me back, and I stumble against the wall as the two assholes stroll in like they own the place. “We’re here to take care of some business with you.” Enzo cracks his knuckles like this is some gangster movie. “And lover boy is going to be tied up for a while.”
My heart drops at the thought of them doing something to Garrett, but I know he’s safe. At least he was five minutes ago when he texted me. Surely, they didn’t do something to him in that short amount of time.
“He’s going to kick your ass,” yes, these two are driving me to use swear words, “when he finds out what you’re doing to me.” I need to keep them busy until my friend comes. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure we all make it through this safely. If these two creeps think they’re going to steal my happiness, they have another thing coming.
“You need to worry about yourself right now, little missy.” Leone’s fake Brooklyn accent is getting old. Right now, I’m too ticked off at these creeps to feel fear. When he grabs my arm, I resist attempting to pull away from his hold and the big jerk hits me. Hard. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a shiner tomorrow.
“You’re making a huge mistake doing this.” I waste my breath, attempting to convince the not-too-bright thugs to leave me alone.
“The only huge mistake we made was hiring your needy fucking ass,” Enzo sneers, and I notice his gnarly chipped side tooth for the first time. Ick. “But we’re here to rectify that error.” For the first time since the bumbling duo broke in, I feel fear. There’s more than just me to worry about, and I refuse to let these two creeps steal my happiness.
Knowing I need to protect myself and my child, I don’t resist when Leone zip-ties my hands behind my back.Ouch. “You don’t have to put them on so tight,” I grumble as he almost pulls my shoulder out of the socket.
“Shut up,” he hisses while his brother storms through the room, searching through drawers and tossing things around. “Find anything?”
“No. This asshole doesn’t have anything worth taking,” Enzo complains and kicks over the adorable antique table next to the fireplace. “I guess we’ll have to use her to make a few dollars. To make this worth our effort.” My skin crawls as I imagine all the ways they could “use” me to make money. None of them are good.