I blush and sputter at Leo’s message, probably exactly the reaction he was aiming for. When I slide into the industrial twin bed ubiquitous to college dorms for the last time, my hand instinctively traces the path of his fingers earlier. I don’t want or need to make myself cum. I simply crave the memory of his touch because it felt so precious.
I’m not a fan of Dani’s new digs. But I bite my tongue and carry her boxes up the exterior flight of stairs. The neighborhood is safe, but there’s not much ventilation for the summer heat. I’ll stop by the hardware store and get her a copy of my house key so if I’m away she can escape there. Dani doesn’t have much, so we empty her room in one trip with my truck. Hauling it all up the stairs takes a little longer, but it’s still done by lunch.
“How about we grab lunch and then we can load your refrigerator at the grocery store? Consider that your housewarming present.” I warn her with a finger over her lips as the objections start to erupt. “And don’t forget, I’ll be here eating you or your food as much as possible.”
That makes her giggle, but she’s still frowns at me. “I don’t need much. Just some cereal, which I can afford until I get my first check in a few weeks.”
“Dani. I guarantee you’re going to need more fuel than cereal for what I have in mind.”
She gapes at me in shock, but then nods reluctantly.
The first sign that my plan was a bad idea happens in front of the tangerines. Dani leans in to whisper, “Why is that woman glaring at you?”
I glance around casually to see who she means and then groan. “That, sweetness, is Katrine Lemoux, also known as Professor Lemoux of the Anthropology department. She started at Bayview last year and proceeded to hit on all the male professors with promises of secret sexual practices she’s discovered on her travels.”
“So she’s glaring because…?”
I shrug. “I turned her down.”
“So she’s really angry at me?” Dani squeaks uncertainly.
“No, Dani. I’d have refused her advances, regardless. One, I’m not interested, and two, crazy positions aren’t the secret to great sex.”
Dani still looks uncertain, but places a single lemon in the cart. I add two more and we proceed through the aisles that way, trailed by an angry woman’s eyes.
Dani decided apologetically that she wanted to get her new job under her belt before I fucked her. Since I’d already told her there wasn’t a rush, I was more amused at how she kept licking her lips in between saying sorry. Then I got her all hot and bothered by encouraging her to share her fantasies. Not complaining that they all feature me.
We’re lying on her bed Tuesday evening after she’s given me a full recap of her second day being the assistant to the assistant to the vice president of something or other. We're here mostly because there isn’t room for a couch in this tiny loft. But it’s also a good excuse to indulge in some old-fashioned petting.
Dani turns slightly in my arms before saying, “Do you know? I think this is really my number one fantasy?”
Seeing as how we’re both still fully clothed, I quirk one eyebrow in inquiry alongside a slightly disbelieving look. Dani giggles and snuggles closer, which I’m all in favor of.
“I just mean being close and relaxed. Feeling like I can talk if I’ve something to say, but not if I don’t. It’s a compliment, Leo. Really.” She gives me a cheeky grin in response to my scowl. “When are you leaving on your trip?”
“Friday,” I groan, wishing I’d never committed to giving a keynote speech in Chicago. They can’t exactly reschedule the entire conference, so postponing isn’t an option.
“Then how about we plan a nice weekend at your place when you’re back? And you can be your favorite bossy self.”
“You mean when I pin you down and slide my thick cock between your thighs?” I turn and raise one leg over her prone body so she can feel the evidence.
Dani’s eyes brighten, and she nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, that.” She looks at me expectantly, and I realize she’s waiting for more dirty talk. I grin and kiss her instead. “I’ve created a monster. My very own dirty girl monster.”
“So? Keep talking, Professor. I do so love it when you talk.” She flutters her eyelashes and reaches one hand down to trace the length of my cock through my pants. Capturing her hand before she sets me off completely, I nuzzle her neck and then give her what she wants. “My favorite fantasy is spending a lazy Sunday afternoon fucking you. At first I’d start slowly, pinning your arms over your head and simply teasing you with tiny kisses and soft touches.” I let that sink in. Dani’s eyes soften and her body relaxes. “Then I’d move down to your sweet pussy, sucking lightly on your clit.”
At this point, Dani holds up her hand like she’s in class. “Wait, are you still holding my arms over my head? I don’t think that would work.” Her brow is furrowed, and I can’t hold back a chuckle.
“Are you really worried about realism here, Dani?”
She nods emphatically. “Yes. I can’t picture it, and I want to run through this mentally when you’re gone.”
With an exaggerated sigh, I sit up and move on to my knees, pinning her hands over her head while she licks her lips. Then I rest my chin on her mound while she analyzes. “Okay, I was picturing my hands higher up. I’m good now.”