I’m not. The heady scent of her arousal hits my olfactory nerve, and my cock is raging for a taste.


“Give me a minute,” I bite out. Dani stills and then runs her fingers through my hair. It helps and yet it doesn’t. Lying down next to her again, I sink my tongue into her willing mouth.


It’s Tuesday and my new boss let me leave a little early. Mostly because she had to head out to a dentist appointment and I don’t think she wanted to leave me to fend for myself just yet. I didn’t argue. Leo got back to town this morning and I’m supposed to meet him for dinner and you know what at his place after work.

I figure this gives me a chance to surprise him at the college. Except his office is empty. Most of the offices are empty and there’s nobody hanging around in the hall. I know it’s summer break, but I’ve spent every summer on campus in some fashion since I started, and it’s never this desolate so early in the afternoon.

Finally, one of the harried admins comes bustling around the corner. I’m just opening my mouth to ask her where everyone is when she gets this panicked look on her face. “Oh! I heard you weren’t coming. You’d better get over to the Dean’s office before they fire him. Unless that’s what you want, of course.” She gives me this suspicious glance before raking me from head to toe with her eyes.

“Who? Who are they going to fire?” I know in my gut, but I need to hear her say it.

“Professor Malone, who else?” She tut tuts and hurries on her way, reminding me of the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

I stand there briefly in a panic and then frantically try to remember exactly where the Dean’s office is. It’s not in this building. I’m pretty sure it’s in the old original one that’s an architectural treasure and drafty as hell. I run out the entrance and across the quad. And then I just barge in.

The door was closed, but I could hear voices. I’m no longer a student, so what the hell? Ten male faces swivel to stare at me. Only one man rises to greet me, but I think he’s ready to throw me out. Leo, of course. “Dani, what are you doing here?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, just tries to guide me back into the hallway by my elbow.

This time I stand my ground and look over his shoulder at the scowling senior professors and the Dean. “Are you trying to fire him?” I glare at each face in turn. I only half-recognize some of them.

“Miss…” One of them starts, but I interrupt. “The person who sent me over here indicated it had something to do with me. I hope that’s not true because nobody has sought my input.”

“Dani,” Leo tries again to shift me out of the room. I fold my arms over my chest and include him in my glare but with more friendly overtones.

“Well?” I demand of the group.

“Fine,” one of the older professors speaks up with a gravelly voice. “What do you have to say about your relationship with Professor Malone? Miss… uh, Babcock, is it? I understand it’s been going on for quite some time.”

“Nine days count as quite some time?” The air quotes are instinctive, but I don’t think it’s what sets everyone talking at once. Everyone, except Leo, who simply sighs and stops trying to move me out of the room.

“But Lemoux said…” one of them plaintively calls out while another narrows his eyes at me before saying. “Be very clear, Ms. Babcock. Did you have any sort of personal relationship or intimate interaction with Professor Malone while a student at this college?”

I stare him down with complete candor. “No.”

They all look dumbfounded, like they don’t quite know what to do with that. Leo leans down to murmur, “Why don’t you wait for me in my office, Dani?”

I scan his face uncertainly, not sure if it’s safe to leave him to these vultures. Leo looks amused at my sudden protectiveness as he jerks his chin towards the door.

One of the other men has stood and is holding the door open for me. “Thank you for your, um, advocacy for Professor Malone, Ms. Babcock. We’ll be in touch if we have further questions.”

Suddenly, I’m staring at the perfectly varnished mahogany of a firmly closed door. I gulp. When Leo doesn’t join me in the next minute, I decide I’ll wait in his office like he suggested. But just in case he needs cheering up after dealing with those assholes, when I get there, I’m taking my panties off.

Turns out that’s harder to do than you might think in an office with an open door. Which I’m reluctant to close because it will arouse suspicion. So I crouch behind his desk and sort of wriggle out of them, placing them in his top desk drawer because I don’t have any pockets. Then I scan his shelves and wait.



It feels like forever waiting for Leo. So eventually I go take a power walk around the outside of the building. When I return, Leo is sitting behind his desk, looking both stern and amused. The top drawer of his ancient heavy desk isn’t shut firmly the way I left it.

“Shut the door, Ms. Babcock,” Leo drawls.

I blink at him. “Leo, what happened…”

“The door, Dani. Now.” He stands as if he’s going to do it himself, so I shut it firmly behind me. The snick of the latch somehow sounding ominous. Leo reaches around me to flip the lock and then lowers the blinds in the two side windows.