I unbuckle, picking up my backpack and following Alex out of the helicopter. As I step down and move away, the helicopter lifts and disappears.
“When are we being picked up?” It’s early in the day, and the sun is already hot.
“We’re not. We are near the Pisco Elqui in Chile. It’s a pristine forest of thousands of acres. You’ll pitch a tent near a stream and fish. After spending two nights in the forest alone, we’ll meet up and hike to a remote village.”
A feeling of dread slides over me. “I don’t want to spend the night alone.”
He pulls me closer and kisses me on the mouth. “We agreed to do things that scare us, sweetheart.”
I look up into his moss-colored eyes. I don’t want to admit I’m scared to spend the night alone, but he must know that, or he wouldn’t have chosen this activity.
I look away from him. “I don’t know anything about camping alone.”
He puts on his backpack. “We have an hour together before I leave you, so you can ask anything you need to ask.”
My legs feel shaky. “Is this part of your adventure service?”
He hesitates for a moment. “Not in Chili. We have a remote island where we leave people for a few days at a time.”
I follow him into the thick forest. It’s mostly quiet, with only a few birds making noise high above in the trees. “I thought we would do something together. Like the night we skied to the chalet.”
Alex keeps walking. “Being in my arms doesn’t scare you.”
I groan. I don’t want to spend two nights alone in the forest. “Are there predators here?”
He looks over his shoulder. “There are a few. There areguanacos, similar to wild llamas. Feral minks, armadillos, culpeo—which is a small fox—and opossums. They are mostly nocturnal, so you can stay near an open fire, and they won’t bother you. There are alsopudú, the world’s smallest deer, and the occasional Patagonian puma, also known as a mountain lion.”
I’ve never seen any of these animals up close. “Why do you want me to spend two nights alone?”
He stops and waits for me to get closer. I don’t imagine that I’ll like what he has to say. “You’re a city girl. I doubt you’re ever truly alone. It can be a life-changing experience. Being surrounded by absolute quiet and the stars.”
I can’t believe he plans to leave me alone in the forest. “Did you pack food for me?”
He shakes his head. “A few energy bars, but I packed a fishing pole and a fire starter. That’s all you’ll need.”
“I don’t know how to fish.”
“I’ll show you.” He keeps walking.
I want to protest, but I don’t let myself.I can do this.I’m tougher than he thinks. “Will my cell work here?”
“The idea is to be alone. So no, you won’t have a phone.”
We are walking in the shade of trees, but it feels hot. I’m already sweating. “What if I need to call for help?”
“You’ll need to handle whatever comes up.” He doesn’t sound at all worried.
After an hour of hiking, we stop near a stream, and he points out the natural landscape. “If I were selecting a camping site, I’d choose something like this area. There is a stream for water and fishing. This area is good for setting up a tent and gathering firewood. I’ll show you how the water purifier works.”
Alex spends the next hour having me assemble and disassemble the water maker and the fishing rod. He shows me how to use the fire starter.
Standing up, he puts on his backpack. “Before it gets dark, make sure you have enough firewood, your tent is set up, and if you can, catch a fish.”
I can feel my heart racing. “You’re just leaving me out here to fend for myself?”
He looks at me and smiles. “This is where you’ll figure out if you’re capable of surviving on your own.”
A flash of anger sparks through me. He doesn’t care if something happens to me alone in the forest. “I already know the answer.”