After doing the same, I waited until my blood had run down my arm as well, then I held out my bloody hand to Viktor. “If you don’t get her back for me. I will kill you.”
Viktor smiled then collapsed.
Mila screamed. “What’s wrong with Viktor. He said the gunshot wound wasn’t bad.”
Bending, I picked him up. “Calm yourself and come with me.”
“You big bully. If there’s someone to blame for Anya’s capture then blame me. I was the one who wanted her here and I accidentally led Boris to her hiding place today. I thought she was about to be shot. If you’re going to kill someone, kill me. It wasn’t Viktor’s fault.”
Mila grabbed my elbow. “I won’t let you take him.”
I rolled my eyes. “He needs medical attention or he’s dead. If you want to be a widow, I’ll leave him with you. However, if you care for him then move the hell out my way.”
Zakhar cleared his throat. “Mila, Cian is a grumpy bastard. He and Vik are like brothers, neither of them can truly hurt the other. If you don’t trust Cian, then trust me. He is more of a father than a brother.”
* * *
Like a general I barked orders. Viktor was taken back immediately. I wasn’t certain what was going on but I knew a shoulder wound shouldn’t have caused him to collapse like he did the first time nor the second time it happened. The bastard’s heart had the nerve to stop. A part of me wanted to send Mila away but if Viktor wasn’t going to make it, he would want to see her one last time. Viktor’s men were restless and he needed to wake his ass up so he could control them.
No. He must make it.
I stalked into the operating room. They were working furiously on Viktor. I pulled my gun and pointed at the nearby doctor. “What’s happening to Viktor. He was shot in the arm.”
He held up his hands. “He lost a lot of blood. We got the bullet out, but he has AB positive blood, and we don’t have any stored here. His injuries from being shot recently also contributed to his blood loss.”
He had been shot recently. Viktor didn’t act like he was hurt at all.
Mila cleared her throat. “I have that blood type. I’m willing to give him my blood.”
I glared at Yuri. All he had to do was keep an eye on Mila and he had let her wander back into the operating room.
Yuri took her purse. “I’ll be waiting out here with the others.”
I followed the doctor and Mila to a small room. I wanted to make sure he got her blood and took it back to Viktor.
“If Viktor dies, you all die. I don’t care for excuses, fix this.” I glanced at the gun in my hand and went back to the doctor. He was trembling so bad; I doubted whether he would be able to operate on anyone else today.
“Cian, we know who you are but you’re not the Don. We don’t take orders from you,” he said.
“No, I’m the Don. You take orders from me. Most importantly everyone here is aware of my absolute rule. What is that?” demanded Liam.
My father sauntered inside with his gun aimed at the doctor.
He swallowed hard. “Cian, your son is the Don when you’re not around or if you are dead.”
My father nodded. “If Viktor dies, everyone you love will too. Get out of my face and do your job unless you want to die right now?”
As soon as the coward left, dad closed the door. I wasn’t sure why he was here but I knew he hadn’t come here just to see me.
I ran my hands through my hair. “What’s happened? I know you didn’t come up here just to see me. What don’t I know?”
“Resul is a problem. I have no doubt that Viktor’s plan will work. His weird ass plans always work. You and I will have to take care of Resul and Jayden. Viktor’s plan hadn’t accounted for the BIH and the FBI. I assume you are still unwilling to allow her to take the fall or be killed.”
“Hell no. Did you really ask me that? Dad…”
He held up his hands. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I know you’re upset that she’s back with Felix but she’s still lives. I have eyes on Felix’s house.
I frowned. “What if Viktor doesn’t wake up in time for this plan. What will we do?”