My father smiled. “I took a sheet from Viktor’s playbook. Itzhak has Nedim already. Arkan will show up to get his hands on him, and we’ll just kill Resul and Arkan all at the same time.”
* * *
Viktor’s blood transfusion was a success. He had woken up several hours ago. Mila was a nervous wreck and I had allowed them some time alone. I was grateful my friend would make a full recovery. Now that Mila had went back out into the waiting room, I stepped inside to get the details of his plan. Viktor sat up as soon as I entered the room.
Viktor smiled. “Thanks for not letting me die in the church.”
I shook my head. “Why didn’t you tell anyone you were nursing injuries. What is your plan? I want Anya back in my arms tonight.”
He cleared his throat. “It starts with you checking in with your dad. Liam was worried about you. Before you get pissed, you need to know this plan is risky. Liam will have my head if you’re hurt. Nevertheless, it’s the safest and fastest way to get Anya back tonight. I need the Italians involved for this. I will give you the details in four hours when they are finalized.”
I stood and slid another gun into the holster at his waist. “If this is bullshit to keep me under my father while you confront Felix…”
Viktor held up his hands. “Trust me. I’m not lying to you. You are a part of my plan so make sure you decide whether she’s worth dying for. If this goes sideways you and I might not make it out alive.”
“This CIA/FBI team you have better not fuck shit up. My father was here to check on you earlier, and we spoke. We are on better terms.”
* * *
Three hours later, Viktor reached out to me. “What do you mean Felix has Mila and there’s been a slight change of plans. Where are you?”
“Hiding in Felix’s house. Both women are alive but Mila has been tortured bad and both women need to be removed now. I still need to get the information the CIA needs to clear us all. You and the team get here now before Felix finds out Boris is dead,” said Viktor.
“We’re own our way.” Turning to Dorothy Cohen. I nodded. “It’s time for us to head to Felix’s house. We won’t leave that house without Anya and Mila Aslanov.”
Agent Dorothy Cohen was a bitch. I could tell she hated Viktor and thought she was somehow better than all of us. I had known Viktor long enough to know these agents wouldn’t live long after tonight, so their feelings were inconsequential. Roger Hubrecht didn’t care about anything if he was getting paid.
Roger nodded. “Come on Dorothy, stop your moping. You took their money. Now, it’s time for you to hold up your end of the bargain. Do you want me to do the talking or what?”
“I’ve got this Roger,” said Dorothy.
We arrived at Felix’s house in twenty minutes, which felt like an eternity. Dorothy walked right up to the door and banged hard just like the police. I didn’t recognize the man who had let us in, but as soon as he saw our FBI badges he backed up. He ran around the corner, to get Felix. Ignoring the plan, I walked up the stairs, and knocked on Anya’s bedroom door.
She opened the door and stuck her head out. Her mouth opened but she quickly shut it.
Dorothy moved past me and entered the bedroom. “Mila Aslanov, my name is Agent Cohen. This is my partner, Agent Hubrecht. You are under arrest for the murder of Boris Kuznetsov.”
Dorothy covers her nose. “Oh hell, she killed his twin brother too," she said.
“Mila, ignore Agent Robertson of the CIA. The silent man at her side is Agent Crawford,” said Agent Cohen.
Roger walked over and handcuffed Mila. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights I have just read to you,” asked Agent Cohen.
I walked over to Anya. She was staring at me hard. I glanced at Mila then her. My girl immediately went into acting mode. It hadn’t gone over her head that I had used the last name Crawford, which she told me she loved.
Anya wrung her hands. “I saw the whole thing. He attacked Mila. Look at her, she needs medical attention.”
“Anya, we will have to take you in as well. Do wish for me to repeat your rights?” I asked.
Anya leaned up against me. “No. Please get my sister medical attention. She’s losing a lot of blood.”
“What the hell is going on here?” asked Felix. He walked inside the room and froze as he saw the dead body then all of us.
“Mr. Aslanov, both of your daughters are under arrest. Mila is under arrest for the murder of Boris Kuznetsov and Anya stated she is a witness to this murder. As you can see, my partner Mr. Crawford is wrapping the murder weapon and we’ll be on our way,” said Agent Crawford.
Felix frowned. “Anya, don’t worry, the lawyer and I will be right down to get you out.”
“Felix, this is your home. How do we know you didn’t send these girls up here so they would be caught with a dead body lying in the middle of the floor. If you’re so eager to come with us, I’ll be more than happy to arrest you too. The CIA/FBI Task Force has many questions for you,” she said.