Page 47 of Vow of Silence

When I didn’t see the police, I sighed.

Frowning, he rolled his eyes. “I’ve never seen a man so happy to be someone else’s bitch. We’ve got the tapes and we are about an hour out.”

“Got it.”

Tran had purposely been vague on the phone. Whatever Le asked him about, he had given one-word answers. It didn’t matter. Le wanted Mikhail dead more than he wanted the tapes.

After he hung up, I shot him a glance. “Le looked like he paid well. My girlfriend isn’t cheap. Now that I have proven my loyalty, he might give me a job. I plan to ask for one.”

Thirty minutes passed before I hit him on the arm. “How do we get to Le? Put the address in the GPS in case you fall asleep. I don’t want to be out here on the road any longer than we need to.”

“No, the address isn’t going in the navigation system. Just stay on the highway. I’ll tell you when you need to get off.”

Three hours later, we exited the highway. We were in Ostrava. We arrived at a sprawling compound that was gated and situated on several acres. There were no neighbors. As soon as I drove up the driveway, four armed men aimed their weapons at me.

Tran laughed. “You did all that and you’re still going to die and so is your girlfriend.”

Slowly exiting the vehicle, I walked to the door. There was no way I was going to hold my hands up in surrender. I never surrender to anyone. I happily handed over my gun, to appear subdued. Following Tran, I was led to the great room, where Le was sitting at the table eating with another man. The unidentified man sat at the head of the table.

Le turned to me. “Did you get the tapes?”

I nodded. “Can I reach in my right front pocket and get them? I’d hate to be shot to death trying to hand them to you.”

The man at the head of the table smiled. “Aren’t you curious as to who I am?”

I shrugged. “No. I just want my girlfriend back. I’m not one to butt my nose in others business.”

Placing the tapes in his hand, I stepped back. “Where is she?”

Le handed the tapes to the man. “Here you go boss.”

“My name is Pham Cao Phong. I understand that you had an agreement with Le but now you’re dealing with me. You promised to deliver Mikhail. You will also deliver Viktor Vinogradov.”

Shaking my head, I laughed. “I can deliver Mikhail. Viktor is nobody’s bitch. I don’t have any issues with him. You don’t need me to deliver Viktor, because when Le kills Mikhail, he will come for you.”

Tran glared at me. “You act like you’re the one afraid of him.”

“Yes, I am. If you’re smart you would be too.” I shrugged.

As predicted, the men with guns aimed at me cocked them. It didn’t matter what they did. I had to give them resistance. I had already explained that Viktor was a friend and that Mikhail was an acquaintance. My honor or trust couldn’t be brought into question although I was certain they’d planned to kill me.

“He’s your friend which means he trusts you. It won’t be hard for you to get him to meet you,” said Le Gia Kien.

I rolled my eyes. “That’s not how he works. He will tell you at the last minute where to meet him. In case you haven’t noticed, a lot of people want his head. He’s attached to it so he doesn’t just meet you, even his friends. I’m meeting him next Friday in New York. I’ll get the location when he visits me.”

Pham smiled. “It makes sense that he would give those details face to face to prevent anyone else hearing it. He’s able to judge the person’s behavior one last time before meeting them. He’s intelligent. Too bad, we couldn’t come to an agreement and work together.”

I waited. Without being obvious, I took the time to scan the room full of armed men. I still hadn’t found Nguyen Quoc Loi, and he was the main reason that I was here. He might not be high enough in the Dragons, to warrant being at this location.

Damn. He had to be here. If he weren’t this trip would be for nothing.

I was getting tired of everyone trying to force their will on me. They still didn’t know who I was, and that was a good thing.

“We won’t give you back your girlfriend until both Viktor and Mikhail are dead. We will release you in a few days after we have a tracker implanted inside you. If you remove the tracker, the explosive inside of it will detonate,” said Pham.

Tilting my head, I studied them. “So, you never intended to trust me. If so, why are you planting a bomb inside of me? I assume you can remotely detonate this device at any time. Why would I agree to be implanted with such a weakness?”

Pham snapped his fingers. “You don’t have a choice. You will be implanted tomorrow. You aren’t leaving here without the tracker. I’ll know everything that you know. I will kill Viktor and wipe out his entire family. Take him down to the cellar.”