Page 46 of Vow of Silence

He rolled his eyes. “You don't have the capabilities to save Mier. In addition, you don’t know how or have the contacts to reach out to Itzhak. Not even I would get in bed with the Israeli mafia. There are certain people that you don't mess with and that organization is one of them. Whatever Arkan did to you would pale in comparison to what Itzhak would do to you. Find another way. Good night.”

Mikhail started walking towards the stairs.

“Wait, aren't you going to run it past Viktor?”

“So that Viktor can beat me to death for being stupid? No. Unlike you, I want to live.”

I stood up. “I need some fresh air. I'm going to stand out front for a few minutes.” Closing the door behind me, I stood outside allowing the wind to whip my hair back and forth. I would get in bed with the devil if it allowed me to kill my rapists.

What is death when living was this hard?

A twig broke in the distance. I didn't see anyone but I could feel eyes on me. The men that were patrolling the grounds were nowhere in sight.

I left my gun on the bed.

I rushed to the door. Before I could open it, a hand clamped around my mouth and I was lifted off the ground. I fought and screamed but nothing helped. My captor was too strong. A white unmarked van pulled in front of the house.

Two men jumped out and opened the back of it.

I was thrown in the back of the van. The doors locked behind me. I pounded on them and tried to get out, but it was useless.

“Miss Aslanov. I'm so happy to see you. We have some questions for you,” he said.




I watched them leave. I felt good for someone who was walking back into the enemy's hand out gunned and outnumbered. I shouldn't have felt relaxed but I was. Anya might not want to admit it, or may deny it with her last breath, but she was worried about me. The taste of her lips was intoxicating. Our desire for one another was growing stronger with each day we spent around each other. I knew that she was afraid of my father. Yet, not only had she called him, but she had spoken to him herself. It doesn't matter whether she spoke the words or not. Her actions spoke volumes. I left out of the house the same way I came in and swiftly rushed to the truck.

Cun might come back any moment. The security men that hadn’t been killed were still knocked out. At least Anya was away from here and out of danger. There was no risk that Le could harm her. As soon as I reached the van, I spotted Tran lying on the ground unconscious. Reaching for his pockets, I took out his phone. I lifted the device to his face. It recognized him and instantly unlocked. A quick search of his call log showed that Mikhail had called Le and left the call connected long enough to track it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had left a little bug that allowed him to have access to Tran’s phone. Mikhail was a genius at stealing information from anyone, anywhere. I lifted Tran up off the ground and smacked him in the face. After the fourth time, he jerked awake.

“What the fuck are you doing? I should ask you that. Your ass was out. We’ve got to go.” I released him and got in the van.

After buckling my seatbelt, I cranked the engine. I still didn’t see anyone but we had to leave. We had been there much longer than I had anticipated.

He glared at me. “What? I don't remember coming outside. The last memory I have is you and I were in the house.”

That’s because I drugged you and carried you out here. I needed to make him think he found the tapes. His pride won’t allow him to dispute me.

“Yes, but once you found the safe, you said you needed to come back to the van to get the toolbox. You never came back inside. I managed to get it open. The three tapes were inside just like you said they would be.”

I made a sharp left turn onto the highway. At this time there weren’t many cars on it. It was the perfect time to get stopped by the police for breaking the law.

“I still don’t remember any of that. Why didn’t you check on me?” Tran folded his arms across his chest. He was looking around the van and studying me like a specimen under a microscope.

There were more men that showed up at the house. You left me inside to kill a dozen Albanians. If you don’t believe me, I can take you back to the house. I plan to tell Le about your little disappearing act. Le didn’t give me permission to kill the Serbians and it might cause him some trouble.”

“How do you know they were Serbian?

“They were speaking the language.” I switched from the left lane to the right lane and reduced my speed.

We passed a dark area on the highway, and I could’ve sworn I saw a police car. The last thing we needed was to be pulled over by the authorities. We had unregistered guns and explosives.

“Why did you reduce your speed? He took his gun out and aimed it at me.

“Put that shit away. I saw a police officer hiding in the ditch. We can’t afford to get pulled over with guns, explosives, and Le’s tapes on us. If you are worried, call Le and tell him that we have the tapes and give him our position. I’m passing highway marker 678.”