When I arrive at the shop, Jay’s hunched over in front of his tool bench having a staring contest with the mystery box.
“Who’s winning?”
“Huh?” He turns to me.
“You or the box?” I nod at the small cardboard box sitting in front of him.
“I don’t know, but you should find out what this is.” He lifts the box and tosses it at me.
“What the hell, man?” I fumble with the box, careful so it doesn’t crash to the ground as something inside shifts around.
“What if it’s a bomb?”
“And you just threw it at me. Asshole.” I lift the box to my ear to listen if it’s making a noise, and I give it a gentle shake.
“Bombs nowadays don’t have ticking timers. You’ll have to open it up to find out.”
I glare at him as I shoulder past him, setting the box on the tool bench. Reaching for a box cutter, I run the blade down the taped flaps. They slowly pop open. I take a cautionary step back, holding my breath, waiting for something to happen.
Jay peeks over my shoulder. “Not a bomb.”
I elbow him in the chest and he backs off, laughing. My attention returns to the box, I peel open the flaps and inside sits a folded piece of lined notebook paper. I reach inside to grab it, and then I see what’s underneath. “Holy shit,” I whisper.
“What? What is it?” Jay peers over my shoulder again.
“It’s my phone. The one that went missing.”
“What the fuck?”
Leaving the phone in the box, I unfold the note. I scan over the familiar handwriting.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. But I’m mostly sorry for ruining things between us all those years ago. They say you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone, and those words have never been truer.
When I came back to town this time, I was hoping things could have been different. We could be an us again, but you’ve moved on and I can’t blame you. But when I found out you were with someone else, I was hurt and I wasn’t thinking straight.
John Ellis showed up at your house while you were at the shop. He knew who I was, and he figured out pretty quick that I was there for you. He offered me 10K to break you two up. One day at the shop, I was in your office snooping for anything and that’s when I found your phone. When I opened it, because you’ve had the same password since you were seventeen, I found the pictures of Olivia. I thought if we could get Olivia to think you posted these photos, she would surely break up with you. I passed the info to John on a USB and he gave me the money.
Am I proud that I hurt you for money? No. But now I can start over. Somewhere new. I’m sorry. For everything. Have an amazing life. You deserve it.
I bark out a laugh. This would surprise any other person, but not me. After everything that’s happened, this makes perfect sense. Sometimes when life throws shit your way, all you can do is laugh.
“What does it say?” Jay asks. I hold the paper out to him, and he reads it. “Jesus Christ. All this shit for some money.”
“Olivia’s father was the puppet master and Stevie was the money hungry puppet.” I grab the paper from Jay and toss it into the box with the phone. I’ll have to show Olivia this later.
The rumble of a motorcycle engine echoes through the parking lot before coming to a halt in front of the open garage door. Archie steps off his bike and enters the garage. His expression is indifferent. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since Stevie left. He comes to a stop in front of me. I hold out my hand for him to shake. He eyes it for a brief second before his firm grip clasps around mine. He wouldn’t be shaking my hand if bad blood boiled between us.
Dropping my hand, I say, “Sorry for kicking Stevie out. I wish I didn’t have to. I just couldn’t deal with it anymore.”