The creases on his forehead soften. “Nothing to be sorry about. Stevie told me what she did. I hope that didn’t jeopardize what you have with your new girl.”
I chuckle. “Oddly enough, it brought us closer together.”
He nods. “Good to hear that. You deserve some happiness.”
“How is she?”
“After she got the money, she does what she does best and left. I told her if she leaves not to come back. So, it’s hard to say. Sometimes they need some tough love. Kinda like you.” He clasps my shoulder.
“It wasn’t tough love I needed. I just needed someone to care.”
“You’ll always be like a son to me. I’m partially to blame for this mess. A part of me hoped the longer you and Stevie were together, you two would work out your differences and make it work. So, I could call you my son.”
I pull away from him. “You purposely took your time to come get her?” Rage bubbles up inside me as my fists clench. He doesn’t say anything, but the regret in his eyes tells me it was only with good intentions. As much as I want, I can’t be mad at him. “Look, me and Stevie have always been on two different paths. It was never going to work out. Plus, I have Olivia.” My lips tip up into a smile as images of Olivia flip through my mind. Hell, I haven’t ever smiled as much as I have since I’ve met her. It’s a foreign feeling, but one I’m starting to enjoy.
“I’m happy for you.” He pauses. “And I’m proud of what you’ve done.”
I give him a nod. It hits differently when he tells me he’s proud of me. Throughout my entire life, those were words I rarely heard. So, when they come from him, they have a little more meaning. A little bit of my anger toward him dissipates.
“Enough of this sappy bullshit. When do I get to meet this girl of yours?”
I laugh. “We’ll have to plan something.”
As if we’ve summoned her from heaven, Olivia’s white SUV pulls into the parking lot and stops next to Archie’s bike. She opens her door, steps out, and rounds the hood. She’s wearing dark jeans and heels that accentuate her legs. Her blonde hair cascades down her shoulders and over a cream colored, chunky sweater. When our gazes meet, a wide smile lights up her face and I can’t help giving her one of my own.
From beside me, Archie blows out a low whistle. “Is that her?”
Without breaking eye contact with Olivia, I nod. “It is.” Before she can reach me, I close the distance between us. I grip the nape of her neck, hauling her to me in a bruising kiss. Keeping it short, I break away. “I love you.”
Her eyes shine bright. “I love you too.”
“Let me introduce you to someone.” I intertwine my fingers with hers, giving them a gentle squeeze. Turning around, we walk hand in hand, coming to a stop in front of Archie. “This is my girlfriend, Olivia. Olivia, this is Archie.”
She holds out her hand. “It’s so great to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
He grips hers in return. “Likewise.” Without dropping her hand, he turns to me. “Better not fuck it up with this one.”
A hearty laugh escapes me. “Alright, enough touching my girl.” I swat his arm away and pull Olivia to my chest.
“Alright. Alright.” Archie laughs. “I just wanted to stop by and let you know no hard feelings. But I’ll let you get back to it.”
He turns and makes his way to his bike, but I call out to him, halting his footsteps. “Archie!” He turns around. “Thanks for everything. We’ll have to go for a ride soon.”
He nods, then he’s out of the garage and getting on his bike. Starting it up, he revs the engine, then he’s out of the parking lot and pulling onto the street. The roar of the engine grows quieter until it’s eventually swallowed up by the other traffic noise.
“You going to tell her about the box?” Jay asks as he leans against the tool bench, the box next him.
“Oh! The box from this morning?” Olivia’s gaze flits to mine, then Jay’s.
I nod and lead her to the tool bench. I pull open the top and pass her the note first. She unfolds the paper and we all sit in silence while she reads it.
“Wow. Let me get this straight. My father found out about Stevie and paid her ten thousand dollars to break us up. Which led her to stealing your phone, finding the pictures, and passing them along to frame you.” Her gaze jumps to mine.
“That’s what I’ve gathered.”
“My father was on a mission to destroy us and he didn’t care who he hurt in the process.” She shakes her head. “But why did she come clean now?”
“I don’t know. Felt guilty? She would never intentionally hurt me. I know that, but your dad found some low hanging fruit and took advantage. Apparently, it was too good of an offer for her to pass up.” I don’t hold a grudge against Stevie. Mostly, I want her to find her place in this world. It took me several years, but I know I’ve found mine.