Page 70 of Cry For Me

"Can't think of anything, can you?" She delighted him constantly. There wasn't a bad bone in her body—she might get a thrill out of playing pranks with glitter and hair dye, but she didn't have it in her to be cruel.

Those perfect lips opened, closed. Opened, closed. She huffed a sharp breath through her nose. "No."

Feeling lighter, Jasper fisted his hand in her blonde locks and gave them a sharp tug that wrenched a gasp from her. He didn't particularly want the erection that followed, having no suitable privacy to deal with the blue balls that would surelyhaunt him, but he liked reasserting his control. "Just remember, should you decide you want to prank me, that I can be ten times dastardlier than you can imagine. Vicious little clamps for your nipples and clit, toys that will make your ass ache for days. Studded paddles and rubber-tipped floggers that will make your pussy scream."

The light caught her eyes so he could see the black of her pupils eclipse the brown irises. His cock bulged against his zipper as her tongue darted out and licked her lips. Was it any wonder he loved her when she didn't cower from his threats, but embraced what he could do to her?

Growling under his breath, he claimed her mouth, swallowing the greedy moan she breathed into his. The way she tasted was his drug of choice—sweet and decadent. He couldn't get enough of her, especially when she kissed him back just as hard, just as fiercely. Tongue battling tongue, breath coming in pants, until he gave her hair another yank. In an instant, she turned from aggressor to submissive, responding to his silent wish without protest.

Not here, you asshole. I can't take her here.

Why not?

Why not indeed. They had about twenty minutes before they could see Bodie, and he was primed and ready to fuck. But his conscience couldn't do it. Couldn't take the opportunity when they were here for Braun, for Bodie, and to offer them support in a dark and unhappy time.

Pulling away from her seductive mouth, Jasper ran his thumb over her swollen lips and grinned at her. "That should hold us both until we get home, kitten. This isn't our priority, we need to be thinking positive for Braun and Bodie. Can you be a good girl for another couple of hours?"

Dazed, she blinked up at him. "When am I ever not a good girl, Sir?"


A few hours later, stuffed full of excellent ling mung gai and king prawn fried rice, Anarchy sprawled on the couch and patted her food baby gently. She didn't usually overindulge quite this much, but Jasper had insisted on feeding her, poking little morsels into her mouth at every opportunity.

The man himself sat at the opposite end of the seat with her feet propped on his lap. Those magic hands of his were absently rubbing her feet as the theme tune for American Horror Story rolled from the huge wall-mounted TV. His thumbs dug into her arches, his fingers gripping the tops of her feet, and she was in heaven.

It didn't take away the sadness or the guilt she felt at leaving Bodie in the hospital for another night. She and Jasper had gone in to see her, but they'd cut their visit short when—wiped out by the stress and anxiety—Bodie had fallen asleep in mid-conversation. Anarchy had sat with her while Jasper went for Braun, then they'd slipped out as the big Dom settled into the chair by his sub's bedside.

Archie just hoped the doctors stuck to their word and let her friends come home tomorrow. In the morning, they would know whether the drugs were doing their job and giving the life inside Bodie a fighting chance of survival. While she didn't believe in God, she wasn't above whispering a prayer...just in case.

"You do know this is a really gory show, right?" she asked Jasper as the opening sequence ended. "And kinda spooky in places."

Blue eyes slid in her direction, full lips smirking. "I've seen it before, kitten. I'm banking on you crawling over here onto my lap and keeping me safe from the monsters."

"Like you need protecting," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "But just don't get any ideas about having sex on Braun's couch, okay? I already feel weird knowing we've desecrated the kitchen and the bath tub, I'm not adding the couch to the list."

"But we can mess up the kitchen and the tub again?" He cocked his head, then lifted his hip and tugged his phone from his back pocket. "It's okay, I'll text him and ask if he minds us fucking on the couch."

"Jasper!" she shrieked. "You can't do that!"

Chuckling, he leaned forward and dropped the phone on the coffee table. "I wouldn'tdo that, kitten. He's got enough to worry about. But it was worth it to see that poleaxed expression you're wearing." He turned his attention back to the television, still kneading away at her feet. "I've been thinking, Anarchy. Been doing a lot of that lately. About you and me, where this might end up going."

Archie went still, hardly daring to breathe. He wasn't thinking of ending it already, was he? She wasn't asking for marriage; hell, she'd hardly thought about being collared, despite the beauty of the ceremony between Braun and Bodie. The small, tasteful ceremony where Braun had flogged his blindfolded, restrained submissive in front of their close circle of friends after they'd repeated vows to each other, and he'd encircled his sub's throat with a physical promise of those vows.

Protect. Tend. Honor. Love.

"I'd like you to move in with me," he continued slowly, as though savoring the words. "Sudden, I know, but...I want to make the most of every minute with you. The time we spend driving to and from each other’s homes could be spent doing other, more pleasurable things. Like eating Chinese and watching movies," he told her when she giggled. "Dirty girl, get your mind out of the gutter."

Happiness fluttered like a crazy butterfly in her belly. It was definitely sudden, and she’d thought she might have to coax him into the idea of spending a lot more time together outside of Avalon. Truthfully, the fact he wanted to do this of his own volition gave her hope for a lasting future with him. "Like for real? Or on a trial basis?"

"For real. I've never lived with a woman," he admitted, shadows darkening his eyes. "After I ran away from Dominic, I didn't trust anyone enough to cohabitate with them. I was young, scared, but I learned to depend on myself rather than be used again. That isn't how I want to live anymore, Anarchy. I'll probably be set in my ways for a while, there'll be adjustments I have to make, but I know we can be good together. Under the same roof."

She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Do you feel this way because of what's happening right now with Bodie?"

"Partly. Braun was a lot fucking smarter than I am. He saw Bodie, recognized her as the love of his life, and didn't let anything get in the way of going after her. He nearly lost her, could have missed out on everything they have together. Even this, the pregnancy, the fear, isn't stopping him from loving his woman." Jasper ran a finger over her toes. "I've done the opposite. Thrown away every opportunity, squandered so much time with you. Everything in this world comes down to time, kitten. There's never enough of it."

He was right. Everyone had a clock ticking down in their bodies, seconds dripping away into the ether. "Okay, how about this? I'll pack my stuff up tomorrow and leave it by the door. If you want to play at Avalon tomorrow night, we can go back to yours, and I'll stay the night. I need to go into the office on Wednesday, but if you don't feel crowded, I can sleep over again. One night at a time."

"Are you happy with that?"