Page 71 of Cry For Me

Happy? She was doing a little dance in her head, shaking her booty to the jubilant tune ringing in her ears. "I am if you are, Sir." Living dangerously, she offered him a brilliant smile. "I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom anyway, so hopefully you'll still feel like you've got your space."

"Like hell you are." Gripping her ankles, he dragged her along the couch until he could reach her waist and haul her into his arms. The pale blue of his eyes burned with indignation. "I'm not asking you to be my house guest, Anarchy. I'm asking you to be my sub, my...girlfriend. Partner, lover, whatever label you want to use. That means you'll be in my room, in mygoddamn bed."

Asking? No, he was definitely telling, but she couldn't care less. She respected his dominance, his need for control. Could understand it better now she'd had a glimpse into his former life. Even without the details, she sensed he'd had a more traumatic childhood than he was letting on. "Absolutely, Master. I just want to make you happy."

"You do. You are." He kissed her. "Thank you for having faith in me, Archie.”

Maybe they could spend the rest of the night kissing, she mused, threading her fingers into his hair. She shifted on his lap, intending to straddle his thighs and do something, anything, to rouse his desire, but she found herself being flipped around so she hung off the edge of the couch. "What the h—"

The palm of his hand smacked down on her upturned butt with a firm thud. She swore loudly, squirming as his arm hooked around her and held her exactly where he wanted. Smack! Smack! Smack!Her cheeks began to heat, the force of his hand imprinting into her flesh.

"No topping from the bottom." Smack, smack."Did I tell you to move?"

"No. No, you didn't, Sir." But she sure was glad she had. Blissful warmth radiated from the point of impact, spreading through her veins with every heartbeat. She groaned and lifted her ass into the next hard spank. "I'm such a bad girl. I won't move next time, I promise."

"I'm pleased to hear it; next time, I won't be as nice." Jasper circled his hand over her stinging butt, then swung her back into a sitting position. Eyebrow raised, he stroked her upper arms as the blood flowed out of her head and the quick surge of dizziness passed, then he urged her to her feet. "Movie night, kitten. Take this pretty ass to the kitchen and get some drinks."

Resisting the temptation to soothe her tender butt herself—she'd learned that was a big no-no—Anarchy blinked innocently at him. "Of course, Sir. What might this humble servant get you this evening? Regular beer, light beer, whisky, vodka, or tequila?" Her lips twitched when he narrowed his eyes at her, then she took a hasty step back when he rose from the couch like a god. Effortlessly, gracefully. "For snacks, I believe we have—"

His hand shot forward, grabbed her between the legs. The pressure of his thumb on her mound wasn't painful, neither was the bite of his fingertips into her pussy, but sweet baby Jesus in his blanket, the sense of possession was powerful. It was only compounded by the firm grip of his other hand around her throat, high enough to force her head back.

Meeting his eyes, she found she couldn't summon any sass at all.

His gaze demanded submission, and Archie gave him it. All of it.

Tempted to drop to her knees, she lowered her eyes to his chin and waited.

"I love you so fucking much, kitten." His fingers flexed on her pussy. "Shame no one warned me about the bratty attitude." He bent and bit lightly on her collarbone through her clothes, then ran his nose along the side of her throat. "Is this who you are outside of Avalon, Anarchy?"

She cringed, shrinking into herself at the question. This was just a fraction of who she was away from the club, but if she admitted it and he didn't like who she was, where did that leave them? Fuck, maybe she should have thought things through before she agreed to move in with him. "I'm not sure I should answer that question."

He growled and nibbled along her jaw. "I'm going to say that's a yes. Excellent. I'm looking forward to the challenges you'll present me in future. Now, are we having movie night or are we christening Braun's couch in a way that's gonna make you blush every time you see him?"

Archie licked her lips. "Movie night sounds less embarrassing. Let's go with that."

The fingers around her throat, grasping her pussy, squeezed in sync until she thought her eyes might roll back with the pleasure of being thoroughly yet simply dominated. Jasper punished her with a hard, fierce kiss before releasing her completely. "Two fingers of whisky and some chips for me, kitten."

Reeling, she pressed her hand to her heart and exhaled deeply. Maybe she could get Jasper to choose a short movie—there had to be one that didn't last more than thirty minutes somewhere in the world. Or it might just come down to sacrificing Braun's couch in the name of hunting down an orgasm. She would buy him a new one, a better one.

Jasper's phone vibrated angrily on the coffee table. He gave her a nudge toward the kitchen, then picked it up and scowled at the display. As he stabbed a button on the screen, Archie scurried away to get the drinks and snacks as ordered, because she knew if he spanked her again, she would do anything he asked just for a taste of relief from the ache inside her.

Deciding it might be best to calm herself down and get her urges under control before she ventured back to Jasper, Anarchy took her sweet time raiding Braun's kitchen. She smiled, noting that her master had not only tidied up after their encounter on Sunday night, but almost polished the room to a gleam.

Humming under her breath, she set everything she thought they'd need on a tray and carried it back out into the living room. It nearly slipped from her fingers when she saw how much Jasper had done in so little time, and so damn quietly to boot.

There was a fire burning in the hearth, flames licking at the small pile of logs he'd stacked. Heat was filling the room, wicking away the chill of night falling. The couch was angled closer to source of warmth, and there were pillows arranged into a cozy nest at one end, blankets spread out. The coffee table was pushed up to the end with the pillows, so everything on it would be within reach.

The curtains were drawn; only the television and the fire offered light.

Archie's heart swelled. For some reason, she'd never really imagined Jasper being romantic. Her fantasies had formed around Avalon, around scenes and orgasms. Romantic? That hadn't crossed her mind, yet here he was, knocking her assumptions out of the window and proving he was so much more than what the eye could see.

She remembered to walk forward and set the tray down clumsily, blindsided by the care he'd taken to set the scene for her. There wasn't any roses or chocolates, no soft music winding through Braun's sound system, but she found she didn't care. Who needed more than this?

Jasper's gesture went beyond anything any of her previous lovers had ever done for her. He'd given her a glimpse at the future, and it turned out he wasn't just interested in sex. Any other guy would have already been coaxing her into getting her clothes off, trying to push his hand between her legs, but Jasper...

He seemed to materialize from the shadows beside the fire. One minute there was nothing there, and the next he simply appeared like a phantom. Only ghosts didn't look so damn good in ink and jeans. He'd stripped his shirt off so his torso was bare, and the firelight glowed over his tattoos. The top button of his jeans was undone; Archie swore she could see the ruddy crown of his erection trying to break free.

"You did this for me?" she asked quietly, folding her hands at her waist.