Page 48 of Cry For Me

No, not when her nipples felt as though they were going to pop off into the bathwater, and her breasts and pussy throbbed with the need for him to do more. It was always morewith Jasper. "You have no choice but to hurt me."

"Essentially, yes. Sometimes, it won't be a flogging or a whipping. It will be like this, with only my hands on you, in you, making this sexy little body dance to my tune—and the song you sing for me." The edge of his thumbnails dug into the very tips of her nipples, making her jerk in response. "As you've already discovered, safewords apply at every point. I will abide by them, Anarchy. Sadism isn't something I can switch off and on when I feel like it."

"I appreciate the warning, Master Jasper," she mumbled, fighting the urge to yank her breasts from his grasp. It was taking all her willpower not to thrash around in the water or reach up to protect herself with her hands. But her hands were clenched hard enough that her arms were beginning to shake. "Maybe you could take up knitting instead of nipple torture."

Jasper's laugh was shocked. Unfortunately, his grip on her nipples didn't lessen. "Knitting, crocheting, sewing...tempting, I must admit. Just think of the needles and hooks and pins I could use to wreak havoc on this body." He was far too intrigued by the possibility, she thought with resignation. Operation: Distract Master was a failure. "Alas, I'm not too clever with needle play. It can be messy if it goes wrong, and blood is a trigger of mine in the wrong context."

Confused, she frowned. "But you helped save Bodie."

"Indeed, I did. I was an EMT for a while, and that training came in useful. But that career wasn't for me; one too many RTAs and bloody deaths ruined my future in that respect. I buckled down and did what needed to be done for Boadicea that night, but I had to deal with the aftermath for months after."


She should have known she’d asked the wrong question when he released her breasts without warning and grasped her hips tightly instead. Blood returned to her abused flesh in a thick surge; she thrashed against the never-ending throb of pain hitting her in all the right places, sending water splashing everywhere with keening cries, then sagged limply back against him.

"Nightmares, flashbacks," he murmured in her ear. "Sleeping and awake. No rest for the wicked, kitten, and I am a bad man. However, that's not up for discussion now—I think I'd rather talk about your sudden aversion to me getting to know your ass intimately."

Said ass clenched as though preparing for an immediate invasion. Archie tried not to wiggle again. Something in his tone—so smooth and calm—warned her there was a storm brewing, and one wrong wriggle would rain hell down on her. "Well, it would appear certain orifices have been conferring over this possibility, and the intended victim has made it very clear it does not want to be invaded like the Romans invaded Switzerland."

For the first time in their acquaintance that she could recall, Jasper laughed. Not one of his dark chuckles, but a real, from the gut, roaring bellow of laughter that rumbled through her. Those tattooed arms wrapped around her middle and held her close, doing bad things to her reproductive organs. "Are you telling me your ass is Switzerland, Anarchy?"

"Yes, my ass is Switzerland," she muttered.

"I see, I see. And my cock is the Roman empire?" He snorted through another laugh.

She growled under her breath.

"Interesting concept." He shifted, leaving one arm anchored around her waist while his other hand slipped down between her thighs. His fingers skimmed over her pussy, then moved down a little further to tap her asshole. "Quick question, kitten. Do you honestly think the Romans gave Switzerland any choice in being invaded?"

Her breath fluttered out between parted lips as she wondered whether she was reading more into the question than he intended. No one was consensually conquered by an aggressive force, were they? Her belly tightened with something akin to anticipation at the thought of being raped and pillaged. "Seeing as I wasn't there, Sir, I'll hazard a guess and say no."

Teeth scraped over her shoulder. "Do you think I'll give you any choice in being invaded if I want to conquer you?"

Invade. Conquer. The cooling water in the tub was suddenly warming up. She hadn't given thought to acting out consensual non-consent scenes before, hadn't known it was something Jasper might be interested in. It probably shouldn't come as a surprise, she guessed, what with his proclivity for doling out pain. The real question was, could they both handle playing out a rape scene without causing some kind of damage to their fledgling relationship?

"I think..." She hissed sharply as she felt pressure against her anus. The water helped ease the passage of his digit into her rear, but didn't stop the sting of the stretch. "I think you'd like it if I fought you. It would make you just as hard as causing pain does."

"Hmmm, now that's a theory I wouldn't mind testing. Enacting a rape scene isn't something I've ever done, and I do notcondone rape at all. But I do believe my kitten is considering how it might feel to be hunted, chased down and captured." Jasper purred the words in her ear, pushing his finger deeper. "Heart pumping wildly, adrenaline rushing through your veins as you wonder whether you can escape, whether you're fast enough and smart enough to elude the hunter who only wants one thing."

Archie closed her eyes and leaned back against him. Her legs parted for him, as wide as she could manage in the confines of the tub, and moaned as he plunged his thumb into her pussy. Another finger pushed in beside the one in her ass, making her arch. There was only a thin piece of skin separating his digits inside her, and he knew how to rub the sensitive barrier in a way that fogged her brain. "I'd kick his ass if he tried to..."

"Oh, fighting talk. Finish the sentence, kitten. If he tried to what?"

"Rape me. I'd fight. I'd scratch and bite and claw his face off." God, why did she sound so breathless?

The arm around her waist released her, and his hand slid up the front of her body, between her breasts, to collar her firmly around the throat. His grip was tight enough she felt the constriction when she swallowed. He had her complete attention. "But it's too late, isn't it? He's already caught up to you, thrown you facedown on the ground, pinned your hands on either side of your head." The fingers in her ass began to thrust, pulling out, gliding back in with the water as lube. "Forcing his knees between your legs, opening you up so he can see that pretty pink pussy, this tight little asshole, while he decides which one he wants to fuck first.”

God, she was one sick puppy to be getting off on the images he weaved into her head. Archie knew the reality of sexual abuse and rape wasn't something to build fantasies on, but she was lost in this one. "Jasper, please."

"You're gonna plead with him just like that, aren't you, kitten? Tell him no, he can't do that. No, it hurts." There was a vein of pleasure scoring his words now. "Begging him to leave you alone, not to do that, not to fuck you as his cock pushes between these firm cheeks and stretches this ass open." He nibbled on her earlobe, controlling her with the hand around her throat and, more devastatingly, the one between her legs. "Are you going to scream for him, kitten?"

Archie orgasmed without warning.

Her legs shot straight out in front of her, more water sloshing over the rim of the tub. They spasmed, her toes curling as tendrils of pleasure stabbed through her. Back arching, she grabbed for his arm, nails biting into firm, inked flesh as her head tipped back. Keening cries strained her throat in time with the pulse of her muscles around his fingers.

Jasper's dark laugh was oddly soothing as the waves of intense bliss began to ebb. The hold on her throat loosened, but didn't let go. She groaned in protest when he slipped his fingers out of her, then just sprawled over him in the water. Boneless, sated, she let herself drift and allowed Jasper to tend to her with a washcloth and vanilla-scented gel.

"You have a dark side, Anarchy. It fascinates me almost as much as mine does. One day soon, we'll play with it, see how deep it runs beneath this sinless facade you wear so well." Now his touch was gentle, his hands—capable of giving both ecstasy and pain—taking care of her when her faculties weren't entirely running on all cylinders. "I think it's time we got you tucked into bed."