Page 47 of Cry For Me

Groaning under his breath, Jasper rested his sweaty forehead against hers. He shouldn't have marked her, but he had a yen to sate his territorial side and make it clear to everyone, including Anarchy, that his apathy toward claiming her as his submissive was null and void. He'd made the greatest mistake of his life, and he would spend the rest of it ensuring he didn't repeat idiotic events.

In his eyes, that meant collar, ring, and cuffs.

Pushing away from her, he extricated his cock from the suck-and-pull ripples of her pussy still twitching in the aftermath of her orgasms. A minute or two longer in that soft, wet haven and he'd refuse to leave. With one hand, he discarded the condom, managing to tie a knot in the end while keeping Anarchy upright. He tossed the latex receptacle toward the trash. "I think we'll get you upstairs into the bath, and you can soak for an hour while I come clean up down here."

Herebeing the battleground they'd fought so bravely on, he thought with a wry grin. There was more than a little disinfecting to do, especially since she'd literally showered him with the sticky fluid that came with squirting. Not urine, but something sweeter, more fragrant.

"Are we going to Avalon?" Hell, she sounded doped.

"Kitten, you can hardly lift your head. We're not going anywhere but bed once you're bathed and fed." Jasper scooped her up and cradled her, pleased when she didn't argue with him. Her head snugged into the curve of his shoulder, and she snuffled softly, contentedly. "I guess that's you consenting, huh?"

As he carried her out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, he thought of the voice messages his father had been leaving. Two or three times a day, with those subtle warnings and threats beneath the pseudo fatherly love. It was one of the reasons why he hadn't been in contact with Anarchy over the last two days himself—until fear something had happened to her overruled his head and fully engaged his heart. Even Braun's assurances she was fine hadn't eased the anxiety, and when Braun told Jasper she'd be left unattended while he and Bodie were in hospital...well, his usual rulebook had been tossed aside.

This was new territory for him. The sex, the connection, the thrill of having a submissive.

Almost the first half of his forty years had been filled with torment and abuse, with the years after his escape spent mainly alone. Until Avalon, until Braun. It had honed him into a certain way of life. Now he needed to rewrite his future, with a pretty little blonde kitten possessing the most expressive doe eyes at the center of it.

Making mistakes cost lives—that had been drilled into him from his earliest memories, but he knew he was going to make plenty with Anarchy. Wanting more from her, needing more for himself, wasn't something he asked from the subs he flogged and whipped into subspace in the club. Although he hated the word, they were nothing more than a convenience. He had no emotional ties to the figure strapped down for his toys, both he and they were there for one thing—the subs to get every ounce of pleasure they could stand, and he...he was just there to beat out his demons on willing flesh.

Anarchy changed everything. He couldn't just flog her into subspace, cuddle her, and let her go. She was the first woman he'd ever wanted to gather up and hold in his bed. The first woman to inspire visions of the future that didn't include driving home alone from Avalon when he was seventy years old and barely able to lift his sjambok anymore.

Jasper had always believed he'd die alone, of natural causes or otherwise, but maybe there'd be someone to hold his hand. Someone who would miss him, who would tell him she loved him before his time here ended.

It was a small thing, but for him, it was huge.

It didn't bother him he was walking naked through his friend's house, with a naked sub in his arms. His friendship with Braun was tight enough to withstand the liberty, but it did cross Jasper's mind that if he intended to follow through on his plans to fuck Anarchy as often as possible, it might be in their best interests to either relocate her back to her own apartment or—preferably, in his opinion—to his own home. A sudden and perhaps reckless leap forward, but he was committed to taking care of her.

Plus it added protection if his father decided to come snooping around. The old bastard didn't stand a chance of gaining access through Jasper's home security.

As he climbed the stairs, Jasper gazed down at her face. Soft, relaxed, innocent. In truth, and he could admit this freely, Anarchy didn't belong with a broken old man over a decade older than she was. Especially not a fucking sadist, for Christ's sake. With a face like hers, she should be hooking up with a man like Liam or Loki, even. Young, fit, strict but fair. Closer to her own age, their futures unwritten, a lifetime ahead of them.

Okay, maybe Liam wasn't the best example, given his enjoyment of swinging both ways with an extra fling of gay on the side, but just because he was bisexual and preferred men just a fraction more than women, didn't mean he wasn't a better bet than Jasper.

"Too late now, kitten," he sighed, and rounded the top of the stairs. "Be careful what you wish for has an ironic ring right now. I'm not what I would have wished for, for you. But it's me you've got, and we're going to make this the best it can be. I promise you that."

When she made a happy sound and burrowed deeper into him, Jasper decided then and there, he would follow through on that promise. Whatever she needed, whatever he could give her to make her life with him everything she'd dreamed of, he would provide.

Anarchy had made her wish and it had come true; now she would have to deal with the consequences of falling in love with a sadist.


Chapter Ten

She woke surrounded in wet heat. Blissful wet heat soaking into tired muscles, along with the scent of sage. Her sigh was long, trailing off into a moan as strong hands cupped her breasts and ran calloused thumbs over her nipples. She stirred, realizing she was cradled against a hard body, one she still craved despite the fact it had the power to render her unconscious.

He'd stayed with her. Warmth that had nothing to do with the water in the tub filled her up. Part of her had wondered how Jasper would be outside of the club; their first night together on Friday had hardly been indicative, given the quick drive home he'd provided before she was even awake. But this...this was beyond her expectations.

This made her incredibly happy.

Opening her eyes, she blinked at the mountain of bubbles. When she moved her leg, the water lapped only a few inches from the lip of the tub. The sight of Jasper's legs on the outside of hers was simply thrilling, and oh so intimate. She reached out and trailed her fingertips over smooth skin, impressed by the width and the solidness of his thigh.

"Don't tease, kitten."

Archie smiled and stretched, arching her back so her breasts pushed into his hands. The tattoos on his arms were vibrant against the white of the tub. She wondered why he'd have such a vivid image inked permanently into his skin—the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in two full sleeves was some serious ink. "Tease, you, Sir? Of course not, Sir."

Her nipples were caught painfully between his thumbs and forefingers, the tender tips pinched viciously hard with seemingly no effort on her part. A wordless whine echoed around the tiled bathroom as he rolled and twisted them, and in turn, she heard him groan as though he'd just come. His actions and the utterly sexual sound he made had her wet in an instant, from more than just water.

"It isn't easy to be controlled by pain, Anarchy. On the giving or receiving end. I detest knowing I have to hurt you in order to get aroused, yet you make it so simple for me with those delightful noises." His voice was harsh, carrying an edge of self-loathing she'd heard from him once or twice before. "I can get hard from remembering your soft cries of distress as I fucked you earlier, but I need a fresh source of pain to go further. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"