Page 123 of Savage Wild

“You got her?” he asked, taking in the video monitors that covered one wall, playing everything from Nasdaq to Pokemon to surveillance footage. These brothers had their fingers in a lot of pies.

“Easy peasy,” Rooster said, pointing.

And Ryder saw a flashing dot in the middle of a grainy black and white monitor feed.

“Tex had her tagged good,” Stash added, pressing a button.

Another monitor flipped over to live footage of the interior of the shack.

“Holy hell,” Talon whispered.

The slice of the shack Talon could see looked like the back corner where they’d thrown Cassie’s backpack. He couldn’t see her, but he could see shadows moving on the wall and part of a table with what looked like blood dripping off the edge.

“We got sound?” Talon asked, his heart in his throat.

“No sound, and this is as good as we can get unless they move the backpack,” Rooster said.

“How many in there with her?” Talon asked.

“Can’t tell,” Stash answered. “Counted five shadows, but one of them might be the doc.”

“Any eyes on her?” Talon went on, moving closer to get a better look.

“Not yet,” Rooster said.

“That blood?” Talon asked, pointing to the drips from the table.

“Best I can tell, that’s the operating table,” Stash said. “Somebody keeps trying to clean it up, probably the doc, but he might as well be operating in a third world country.”

“Anything on the patient?” Talon said.

“Doc keeps working on him, so he’s not dead yet,” Stash answered.

“We gotta get in there. Ideas?” Talon asked.

“If it was just the doc, I’d say go in hard. Let Deuce do his thing and light it up,” Rooster said.

Talon took that in.

“But with the girl in there….” Stash continued.

“Changes things,” Talon said.

“Delicate is not even the word for how this has gotta go,” Stash went on.

“So no Deuce,” Talon observed.

“And keep Brick on a leash,” Rooster said. “He goes off the rails….”

“And you’re fucked,” Stash finished for him.

Talon nodded and straightened. “Gotta be Nine.”

“Best bet,” Rooster agreed.

“Yeah, so I’ll run it by Gate and see what’s what. Thanks,” Talon said.

He got chin lifts in response and made for the door, the brothers already clocked out and back into whatever surveillance they were running online.