Page 132 of Savage Wild

He had family now. After all this, if he could get his princess to commit. If he could get her on the back of his bike and keep her there, even though Cassie was nearly grown, he could have them both. For his own. To keep.

Gate followed Deuce and Tank into the shack. “Where’s the doc?” he asked.

“Cass says they took him,” Talon answered.

Ryder looked around, “And the kid?”

“He’s gone too,” she said.

Lucky followed his dad, and Talon watched Cassie’s eyes light up when they hit his.

She made to move away from Brick, but Brick tightened his grip, and glared at Lucky over Cassie’s head.

Talon smirked. Yeah, it was gonna be good to have his brothers help keep the boys in line. Cassie was a knockout like her mama, and he knew he had his work cut out for him. Especially if her dad didn’t make it.

“Cass,” Talon called her attention back to him. “What happened? Sooner we get started, the sooner we can find your dad.”

Cassie’s eyes clung to Lucky’s for a beat before she shifted them to Talon.

Brick stepped back and kept his hands on her shoulders so she faced the brothers.

A tear trailed down Cassie’s cheek as she said, “I don’t think he wants to be found.”



“Doesn’t want to be found?” Gate asked, his voice a low rumble in his chest.

His eyes swung to Ryder, and with a chin lift, Ryder pulled out his phone and stepped onto the ramshackle front porch, his voice muffled as he spoke.

Cassie’s face threatened to fall, and when her face hit her hands, Talon swooped in and gathered her up, wearing fatherhood like he was born to it.

Gate surveyed the damage, blood and gore splattered, Cassie in emotional tatters, and his brothers shuffling, suddenly unsure who the real enemy was.

So it was on him to get it sorted, and get it sorted fast.

“Deuce, get rid of this shit,” Gate said, turning for the front door.

Deuce grinned, “Clear out, boys. Gonna light this bitchup.”

Gate made the porch in time to see Ryder sliding his phone back into his pocket.

“Rooster and Stash are on it,” Ryder answered the unspoken question. “Said they’d have something by the time we hit the compound,” Ryder said.

Gate nodded, “Good. Don’t like this one bit.” His eyes found Tank, “Stay with Deuce and watch his back.”

“Done,” Tank answered, turning back toward the front door. “Yo, Duece!” he yelled and then disappeared from sight.

Talon hit the porch, Cassie fit just so under one arm, her face half buried in his shoulder.

Gate’s eyes hit Talon’s. “Gonna have some questions we get back to the compound.”

Talon glance down at his woman’s girl and then back up, “She’ll handle it.” He looked down again, “Won’t you, babe?”

Cassie sniffed and raised her head, “Will my mom be there?”

“Yeah,” Talon nodded.