Page 133 of Savage Wild

Cassie’s eyes swung around, “And you and Brick?”

Brick materialized from the shadows. “Fuck, yeah, baby girl,” he said.

Cassie kept her grip on Talon’s tee, but she straightened her spine and met Gate’s gaze head on. “I’ll tell you everything. Just, please, get me to my mom.”

Lucky’s boots scuffed across the porch, “I got her.”

Gate clocked Talon’s reflex, tightening his grip on his girl, and Gate couldn’t blame him. Lucky was young and was plowing through pussy at the club like he was getting paid for it. And if he ever wanted a girl like Cassie to see him as more than sex on a bike, they needed a serious sit down about how you lived your life for a woman like that and how you didn’t.

“That okay, T Bird?” she asked.

Talon’s face registered the nickname, and Gate watched happy slide through his brother from the light in his eyes to the quirk of his lips. Yeah, Talon was fucked. He’d never be able to tell either one of his girls no about anything, and Gate would have found that funny if he hadn’t been in the same damned boat with his Stella. Too bad Anna hadn’t made it through because he would have had a hell of a good time spoiling her gorgeous ass rotten.

Lucky held his hand out to Cassie and waited, letting her know what he wanted but giving her space to make up her mind. It took her a beat, and Gate was proud of the way Lucky stood his ground and waited her out.

And the look on his son’s face when pure beauty, who’d been through hell and back, slid her hand into his was one of the most stunning things Gate had ever seen in his life.

Gate stepped closer to Talon, and the brothers watched Lucky lead Cassie to his bike, help her with the helmet, and get her seated.

She looked back over her shoulder, her eyes sliding through Gate straight to Talon.

“I’m right behind you, sweetheart,” Talon said.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around Lucky’s waist.

“Hey, Luck,” Talon yelled.

Lucky turned their way.

“You know what you’ve got on your bike,” Talon said.

“I do,” Lucky answered, voice steady.

“Get her to her mom,” Talon said. “And tell my princess I’m on the way.”

“Yes, sir,” Lucky nodded.

And by that response, Gate knew that Lucky had received every bit of the message Talon had just delivered.

Lucky had beauty on the back of his bike, and Gate thanked God that his son knew it.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Somewhere Other Than Here


Talon’s lights disappeared around a curve in the road, and Ryder turned back to the shack.

Deuce had it wired in nothing flat, Tank running shotgun, which mostly meant talking shit from where he leaned against a pine tree, since Deuce considered his explosives works of art and didn’t take to anyone in hiscreative space, whatever the hell that meant.

“You heading back?” Ryder yelled when he saw Gate hit the front steps.

Gate walked his way, boots scuffing across the sandy yard. “Yeah, wanna run something by you first.”

Ryder threw a leg over his Harley and waited.

The night had gotten so late that it was early, with the first hint of gray streaking across the horizon just above the trees.