Page 109 of Sanctuary with Kings

"You just like to have your way," Conall teased me, but his hands were slick with soap as they stroked down my back gently. "God, these bruises tempt me to go hunt that beast down."

Laszlo hummed into the kiss and pulled away, frowning. "Show me."

"They don't hurt so much," I said, but neither man was paying attention, just hoisting me up and twisting me around in the tiny amount of space afforded in the tub.

Conall's cock had softened slightly, but it cozied cheerfully against my sex, and he purred as my breasts rubbed his chest. He combed my wet hair back with his fingers, strands tangling on calluses, the bite of the tug drawing a sigh out from me. Laszlo's knuckles grazed over my back.

"I can treat this, but we'll have to be gentle with her tonight," Laszlo said.

"Notthatgentle," I said, and Conall grinned.

"No massage, no scratching," Laszlo listed.

"She'sthe scratcher, not me," Conall objected.

I dumped a pitcher of water over his head, laughing and leaning back into Laszlo's chest as Conall choked and huffed. He glared at me from one brilliant green eye, the other shrouded in soaked hair, and then shook his head vigorously. I squealed and Laszlo drew me back, using me as a shield against the spray. The fire hissed and spit, steam rising, and I let out a bright laugh as Conall slapped his hair back from his face, grinning at me.

"Children, behave," Laszlo teased.

"Oh, you never spend any time around humans," Conall said, waving his hand. "You forget how to pretend that life is short and precious."

I sighed and softened between them, Conall's hands mapping my legs and thighs aimlessly. Laszlo circled my waist with one arm, scooping up handfuls of water in his free hand and running them into my hair.

"I am not around humans, but life does seem especially precious at the moment," Laszlo said softly.

Conall's gaze darkened, bouncing between us, and he bit down on his bottom lip briefly. He knelt, hands crawling slowly forward on either side of the tub until he was leaning over me, the soft hair of his stomach tickling my skin under the water.

"You like to watch,mo chroí?" he rasped.

I nodded slowly, squirming against Laszlo, whose cock stirred between my ass cheeks in response.

Conall lifted one hand, fingers delicately tucking my hair behind my ear, and then his hand flashed behind me. I pressed myself to one side, sighing as Conall and Laszlo sandwiched me firmly between their bodies, arching together over my shoulder. Conall's tongue slid obscenely over Laszlo's lips, teasing and retreating, returning to plunder. It took a little maneuvering, but I was able to spread my legs, and Conall's hips fit firmly between my thighs, cock nestled between my lower lips. I gasped when Laszlo gasped, moaned with Conall as Laszlo clasped his face and took command of their kiss. Conall's hand fell to the water, clasping Laszlo and me both, grinding himself against my sex.

I writhed between them, gulping downnéktar, teased by the soft brush of feather and fur under water, using the press of Conall's cock to stimulate myself until the room was a rush of sound and hazy light.

Conall pulled away with a sudden gasp, water washing over the sides of the tub and over my starved flesh.

"Eager little cheat," he said, plucking one of my nipples.

Laszlo laughed and kissed my throat. "One night, she watched Hywel and me feast on one another. She came more times than we did."

I blushed but grinned at the memory.

Conall stood from the water, cock partly erect, eyes bright and smile easy. "We should take her to the Company of Fiends. She'd go happily mad in the frenzy."

"Someday," I said, considering the offer and all that might come with it. Too many people, I thought. Too many strangers and their appetites. I lifted a hand, and Conall helped pull me to standing. "For tonight, I just want you, Conall of no clan or pack. My red wolf. And I want to share you with Laszlo." I turned to the gryphon to smile at him, adding, "If that's all right with the pair of you."

Conall stared at me for a moment, breath hitching, and then I was caught in his arms. The pair of us dripped over the carpet and stone floor as he rushed to the bed. Before he could toss me down and plunge himself inside of me as I was sure he meant to, I wriggled free, skirting just out of reach of his hands.

"Lie down, love," I said, nudging at his chest.

Talons clicked against the floor, feathers swishing, and Conall looked back to Laszlo.

"Across the bed," Laszlo said. "Hang your head over the edge."

Conall's face and chest flushed at the suggestion, and I fought my own eager grin.

"Go on," I urged, pushing him gently.