Page 108 of Sanctuary with Kings

"If Hywel and Laszlo don't mind my intrusion into their bed, they won't mind yours either. Quit trying to talk your way out of somewhere you want to be," I said.

I ignored their twin stares on me, examining a crease in a feather, deciding if it was broken or only bent. Laszlo's wing stretched, pulling itself free of my grip, and he twisted, hanging his wings over the back of the tub. He brushed my hair back from the sides of my face.

"Are you going to take your own advice, dear one?" he asked.

"I'm working on it," I admitted with a nod.

"Get in the bath,mo chroí,” Conall murmured.

I shook my head. "Let me finish my work first." I shuffled on my pillow to sit behind his head, smiling over his shoulder at Laszlo.

There was a small pitcher on a table near the fire, and I dipped it into the water as Conall sat up. Laszlo turned, rising onto his knees and pulled sponges and soaps from a shelf.

"I know you lot think I'm savage, but I can manage my own bath," Conall said.

I took his thick red hair in my fist, tugging his head back, and Conall's breath caught, lips parted. "Just hush and enjoy yourself," I said, and then I guarded his face from the pitcher of water as I poured it into his hair.

Surprisingly, he obeyed, his eyes sliding shut so a thick fan of flame bright lashes landed on his cheeks, scarred and freckled. Laszlo passed me a bar of hair soap, fragrant with clove and making thick suds in my palms. Conall groaned as I dug my fingers into his hair, scratching his scalp as I washed him. His shoulders softened as I worked. Slowly, while Conall was distracted, Laszlo inched forward between the werewolf's spread legs, wetting his lips and eyeing Conall's bare chest with a focus that bordered on predatory. I caught Conall by the roots of his hair on the nape of his neck, and his eyes flashed open as Laszlo dove forward, stroking soapy hands and soft talons over Conall's chest.

"Cornered, am I?" Conall rasped, arching into Laszlo's palms, eyes heavy-lidded and dazed as he stared up at the ceiling.

"It's for your own good," Laszlo murmured, and then he leaned in, lapping his tongue over one of Conall's nipples.

Conall's knuckles whitened on the ledge of the tub, and I tugged on his hair, tipping his head to one side and offering myself his pointed ear tips for nibbling kisses. Water started to swirl and splash the edges of the tub as together Laszlo and I tortured our werewolf, cleaning him and teasing him and spoiling him with tenderness. Conall sagged in my grip on his hair, thrusting his chest up to Laszlo's mouth, hips rising slowly until the pointed and angry red tip of his cock peeked up out of the water.

Laszlo paused, one kiss pressed over the hair that ran a russet red line down Conall's belly, and then tipped his gaze up to mine. His cheeks were slightly flushed with arousal, and I couldn't see where his hands were, but I thought he was holding Conall's hips. There was an unspoken question hovering between us all, and it took me a moment to realize that Laszlo was waiting for permission. From me.

"Please, one of you…or both, I don't care. Just touch me before I burst," Conall breathed.

I nodded to Laszlo, and he struck, sudden and starving. Conall's hips darted up to meet Laszlo's open, tonguing mouth, the pair of them so perfectly in unison that with one swallow and thrust, Conall was howling. Not from relief, but the startling pleasure-pain of being sucked along Laszlo's tongue. I watched Laszlo groan and lick, head bobbing over Conall's crotch, hands now appearing between the werewolf's legs, looking intriguingly busy.

I caught my breath and reveled in their sharednéktar. What a gift their passion was.

"Mo chroí, kiss me," Conall pleaded. "Tell me this is all—"

I rose up high, Conall's head resting against my chest as I leaned over him, peppering his face and mouth in kisses. His hands flew back, diving into my hair, clutching my shoulders as he growled and bucked into Laszlo's mouth.

"I should've asked the pair of you to let me watch weeks ago," I mumbled, dragging my mouth over Conall's jaw.

Laszlo was reverent and worshipful when he touched me, but he had a lusty hunger for Conall that was making the air heavy and lush, my head spinning and skin thrumming cheerfully at their offering.

"I would've been a distraction," Laszlo said, kissing the tip of Conall's cock and catching his breath.

I frowned at the words, but Conall only smiled. "A very welcome and delightful one," he said. His hair was trailing in the water, rinsing the ends clean, and he blinked up at me, studying my expression from upside down.

"You need her," Laszlo said to him, stroking his thighs.

Conall nodded, gazing at me. "I do. Come into the water, Evie, love. Your monsters need to touch their mate."

"The water will spill," I tried, but Conall huffed and Laszlo sat up, the pair of them reaching for me.

They wrestled me into the water, Conall barking out a laugh as I squawked and flailed. Laszlo had my legs caught in his arms, and he nipped at my ankle as Conall squashed me against his wet chest, play-growling and nuzzling into my hair. He huffed and blew blonde strands out of his face.

"You smell like centicore. Laszlo—"

I screeched as Laszlo tugged my legs up, sliding my ass out from under me and dunking me into the soapy water. I spluttered as I resurfaced, too many arms and legs tangled together in the bath, and the infuriating, snickering laughter of my lovers echoing above me as I wiped the water from my eyes.

"All of my thoughtful—" I started, but Laszlo leaned forward, wrapping my legs around his waist as he covered my mouth with his, a deep and languid kiss stealing my voice.