Edna scoffed. “Of course not. It’s forbidden. Her dragon healing kicked in within a day, and we were focused on burying my mate—her father.”
That was the answer. “She might have healed, but her back wasn’t in proper alignment. Just like a broken bone, it has to be set in a brace so the bones can healproperly. It’s not an issue with her dragon.”
“She’s right.” Errol stepped forward. “Thorn’s power is to create or take a dragon. He can fill in gaps in their magic, which is how he healed Tyson and Sol. Mindy’s magic isn’t missing anything, so he can’t heal her. It’s impossible.”
Mindy hung her head, a tear trailing down her face. “So…I’ll always be broken.”
My heart ached. Drake had made these people feel as if there was something wrong with them, as if they weren’t whole, just because they were different. The same thing had happened to Mom when the disease had been killing her.
What they didn’t see was that they were stronger than the rest of us. They kept moving forward when others might have given up. “You are notbroken,” I insisted. “You are strong. Stronger than Drake and his idiotic notions. Do not let someone likehimdefine how you see yourself.”
Flicking her gaze to me, Mindy sniffed. “You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know if I’m strong or not.”
“I don’t have to know you to see your strength.” That was the thing about being broken the way I had been for so long. There was something in a person’s gaze…a lifelessness that she, Sol, and Tyson hadn’t shown. I gestured to Edna. “And there’s no way her daughter wouldn’t be as strong as she is. She wouldn’t allow it.”
Mindy snorted and wiped away a tear. “Okay. You’ve got me there.” She blew out a breath and placed a hand on her stomach. Her gaze went over my shoulder to my mate. “Thank you for trying.”
Some of the tension in our connection eased as Thorn came to me and placed an arm around my waist. He murmured, “I’m sorry I couldn’t heal you, but my mate is right—don’t let a douchebag like Drake define you. If I’d done that, I’d have handed myself over to him for execution, believing I didn’t deserve to live because of my powers.”
Pride swelled in my chest. That was exactly what Mindy needed to hear. “And I would’ve been mar—”
Fingers digging into my side, Thorn snarled. The white-hot anger seared through our bond, eliminating the fear from moments ago. “Donotfinish that sentence,please.”
I shut my mouth.Sorry. I was trying to help.
Remorse floated through as he connected,I know. You have nothing to be sorry for, but remembering that and knowing he’s hunting you…I just want to rip his throat out. The only reason I haven’t rushed off to do it is because you’re here beside me, keeping me grounded.
My heart ached from how much I loved him.
Cassidy cleared her throat. “We’ll pack up and leave. Please at least let us get out of here before you notify Drake.”
“I’ll pack our things,” Hydra said and turned toward the house.
The swing squeaked as Eva’s feet hit the wooden porch. She’d been listening in the whole time. I glanced over my shoulder to see Sol easing in front of her, blocking her from Mindy’s and Edna’s view.
“Will you hold off until we leave?” Vlad asked as Cassidy and Hydra rushed through the front door.
“Yes, of course.” Edna’s face crumpled. “I don’t want harm to come to any of you. I just need to protect my daughter and thunder the best way I can.”
“That’s bullshit,” Saphira snapped and marched over to stand beside me. She placed her hands on her hips.
“Honey…” Errol warned. I didn’t have to turn around to know he was trying to rein Saphira in.
“This isn’t fair. Thorn tried.” Saphira waved a hand at my mate.
“Saphy,” Brenton hissed.
Saphira didn’t flinch, her attention on Edna and Mindy. “We held up our end of the bargain. It’s not Thorn’s fault that she can’t be healed. Hetried.”
But that wasn’t how it worked. Life wasn’t fair. I’d learned that six years ago when Mom died, and Thorn had learned that at the tender age of six. Shit happened, and we had to deal with it. Having a meltdown would accomplish nothing…other than, perhaps, Edna not waiting until we were gone to contact Drake.
I placed a hand on Saphira’s arm, and her breathing calmed. “We need to get ready and leave. This is their decision, and it’s final.”
She huffed, some smoke trickling from her nose. I tugged on her arm and almost cried when she relented. I’d expected her to fight more.
Thorn’s hand fell from my waist, and I was surprised that he didn’t follow us—until he said softly and full of regret, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help. I wish there was something I could do to keep you off Drake’s radar, but my mate’s right. Do not let one person define you when everyone else sees who you really are.”
“Mom, maybe—” Mindy started.