Page 22 of Hidden Fate

“They have to go,” Edna said firmly. “Theyhaveto. If Drake and his warriors come here and learn about your back issues, that will be bad enough, but if they findthemhere as well, he’ll kill us. We can’t risk it.”

Saphira spun around, lurching toward the two women, but I held tightly to her arm and dragged her up the stairs.

I got that leaving wasn’t ideal, but we had no other choice. “If we force them to allow us to stay, we’ll be no better thanhim.”

That knocked the wind out of Saphira and gave Errol and Brenton a chance to reach us and take her from me.

A moment of silence descended before Theron rubbed his hands together. “How long do we have until you warn Drake and the warriors?”

“I’ll give you one more night.” Edna sighed. “Like Saphira said, Thorn tried, and the reason he couldn’t heal her makes sense. I don’t think you guys are lying, but our people have to come here and hide, and I don’t have a good enough reason for you all to be here, putting them more in danger. I wish things were different, but that’s not our world. Not anymore. I need you out by dawn.”


That was more time than I’d expected. That would give us a night to figure out where to go.

“Thank you.” I held each woman’s gaze. “For giving us shelter, even for two nights.”

Frowning, Edna nodded. “I truly wish I could do more. If the warriors come through and we’re certain they won’t come back, I’ll message Theron.”

As the two of them headed back to their car, Thorn marched toward me, a scowl on his face and his shoulders hunched. Vlad and Theron stayed put, watching the two women pull away.

You did the right thing,I connected. I needed him to know how much he meant to me. When he reached me, I cupped his cheeks with both hands.You own me.

He smiled sadly.You make me into the sort of man I never expected to become,he replied, the warmth of his love spreading through the bond.I wish I could save you from all of this, because you know you own me, too.

I pressed a soft kiss against his lips.As long as you and I are together, that’s all I need.

Intertwining our fingers, Thorn tugged me to the porch just as Saphira, Errol, Brenton, and Sol went inside. We would figure out our next steps and survive. We had to.

There was no other option.

* * *

That night,we all hung out in the living room in silence. Elliott and Tyson didn’t even play video games.

No one had volunteered to let us into the injured dragon network, as I was calling it. After learning that Thorn couldn’t help Mindy, everyone feared allowing us near.

That wasn’t the main problem. Even though Cassidy, Vlad, and Thorn had saved money in case of an emergency, it wasn’t that much. We could find a place to rent somewhere, but we’d have to find a source of income, which was a huge problem since a dragon shifter could pass by at any second and give away our location to Drake. We also couldn’t go too far—not if we wanted to stop Drake from hurting more people.

One thing at a time. I thought about painting for money, but I couldn’t risk going back into Asheville to sell my work through the gallery, and I didn’t have a client list of my own to contact.

“The safest bet would be allowing meto get back to myjob,” Peter grumbled from where he stood in the corner of the room, a deep sneer on his face.

No one responded. Vlad sat on the far end of the couch, searching on his phone for a house to rent, and Theron swiped his phone every few seconds from where he sat between his mate and son. Of course, Eva was crammed in beside Sol, next to Cassidy. Saphira sat on the other end of the couch, with Errol between her and Brenton. Elliott and Tyson sat on the footstool in the center.

Thorn and I leaned against the wall perpendicular to Peter, too restless to sit down. He didn’t want to wait until the morning to leave in case Edna decided to call Drake early.

When Theron glanced at his phone, he blanched.

I wasn’t the only one who’d noticed, because Sol asked, “Dad, what’s wrong?”

“Just got a text from Wyvern.” Theron closed his eyes and lowered his head. “There’s a huge problem.”

Saphira’s head jerked toward him so quickly I feared it might fall off. She rasped, “Is he okay?” Her mocha eyes darkened as she jumped to her feet like she was prepared to leave.

“Yes, he’s fine.” Theron looked at Peter, Eva, Elliott, then me as he said, “We’ve got another issue.”

Stomach souring, I asked, “What now?”