Page 28 of Marked Dragon

That was the one thing I’d aspired to do in my life and the whole reason I’d finished a premed degree at UHC. Mom had died of cancer, and I didn’t want another child to have to experience the loss of a parent to that monstrous disease.

Though that dream might have been squashed, a new one emerged.

I could help the dragons by eliminating the biggest threat to them.


“You’re right.” I lifted my head and smiled sadly. “Icanhelp the dragons.”

Her irises sparkled as she lowered her arms. “I knew you would be the perfect daughter-in-law.”

My throat ached. She was so happy, and I planned on eliminating her child. I liked her, and I hated to do that to her, but Drake should never be in power.

Footsteps pounded down the hallway. Based on the stride, they belonged to Ladon.

“If you don’t come out of there now, I’llforceyou out,” Ladon threatened as he appeared in the doorway.

Queen Mira arched a brow. “You dare speak to the future queen in such a manner?”

“I serve the king and the prince.” Ladon straightened. “If you want kindness, Everly needs to get moving.Now.”

“We were heading out just as you got here.” Queen Mira lifted her chin and stared down her nose. “I’m sure Arman will be intrigued by the way you’re talking to us.”

Ladon smirked but didn’t respond.

Huffing, the queen looped her arm through mine and led me down the hallway. In the living room, I found Eva flanked by Uther and Jessie. She glanced up and exhaled loudly.

I wanted to kick myself. I’d spent too long back there, planning my vengeance.

“It’s about damn time,” Jessie said as she wrinkled her nose. “Drake was about to come in here.”

Oh, I’d bet he was. That would’ve made the situation more complicated.

Hurt and trepidation coursed through my connection with Thorn.

My heart stopped, and my knees shook.Thorn, are you hurt?

“Whoa,” Queen Mira murmured and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me against her. “Don’t lock your knees—you’ll pass out.”

If only that was my problem.

Thorn replied,I’m fine. I’m back in the tunnel. Arman finally appeared, and he’s guiding us.

Able to stand again, I smiled and steadied myself. “Thank you, and I’ll try to remember that.” I then asked him,Where is he taking you?

I don’t know,Thorn replied, a turmoil of emotions rising like a tsunami.I’m hoping it’s not a trap.

Ladon marched to the back door and opened it. To the right of the terrace, the servants had built a temporary white wall to prevent the guests and wedding party from seeing me. It was about eight feet high, so not even my guards could be seen, which might help me when I escaped.

I looked to my left…and my heart sank. Twenty warriors were posted at the tree line, but I couldn’t bank on that number. Drake knew I was mated to Thorn, which meant I could be relaying numbers and people’s positions. There was no telling how many were hiding in the trees, and I couldn’t see them since I was in human form and not dragon.

The sun shone as it inched higher over the treetops, and the temperature had to be in the high sixties. The day was gorgeous with fluffy white clouds in the sky.

Queen Mira stood on my right as Eva appeared on my left. The three of us carefully walked forward, and our high heels sank into the grassy ground. I kept my balance, but Eva clutched my arm, nearly falling over.

“Watch it,” Jessie snarled at my sister from beside the queen. “If you mess up her dress, Drake won’t be happy.”

I wanted to punch the warrior in the face. For a human, Eva was handling this well. I would’ve already fallen on my ass if I hadn’t been a shifter.