Page 29 of Marked Dragon

With her free arm, she lifted her long skirt and focused on her feet. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to grab you like that.”

“It’s fine.” I cut my eyes to Jessie, daring her to say something else. “You can hold on to me. I can take it.”

“I don’t see how you two aren’t falling…” Then she huffed. “That’s right. You’re dragons.”

Queen Mira chuckled, the sound like music. “I may be a dragon, but I’ve had my share of falls. Being a dragon shifter doesn’t make you graceful.”

My arms itched to hug her. She was down-to-earth and easy to get along with. She looked every inch a queen.

My insides hardened. This had to be an act. She and the king had tried to kill Thorn. How could a kind and generous person do that? Maybe Drake was just like her. Maybe her charismatic personality hid the evil underneath.

But that didn’t make sense, either. Why hide it when she was the queen?

The one motivation that explained their actions was that she and the king believed Thorn was dangerous to their people. Yet Drake was out of control and power-hungry, and they accepted him without issue.

There was no point in focusing on that. I could try to rationalize the actions of others all day, like I’d done with my stepdad for the past six years, and never understand their reasons for treating others badly.

As we reached the end of the yard, the white wall curved, ending at the edge of a royal purple carpet where a maid stood, holding a lavish bouquet of dark purple and lavender irises and baby’s breath.

My nose wrinkled, but I forced myself to smooth my expression. I’d expected this wedding to be over the top but comeon. Acarpetoutside?

With each step we took, my heart raced harder. The faint grape-soda-like scent of the flowers filled my nose, and my throat constricted. If Thorn had been waiting for me down the aisle, I’d have raced to the finish line…but he wasn’t. Losing everything was all that waited for me.

Please tell me you guys are in position.I hated to pressure him, but I was almost to the aisle. I needed him to get me the hell out of here, pronto.

We’re still in the damn tunnel,Thorn answered with a growl.Arman promised that Drake won’t start the wedding without him.

I snorted, and both the queen and Eva glanced at me.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “Just nerves.” That wasn’t a lie, unfortunately.

I’m about to walk down the aisle.I became lightheaded and had to concentrate on moving my legs forward. I had to remember I had a weapon between my boobs if it came down to that.

Thorn’s dragon snarled.Arman says we’re almost there.

The maid was close to my age, her ash-brown hair pulled into a messy bun. She held out the flowers to me and smiled sweetly. “You look beautiful, my lady.”

My head tilted back. I’d never been called that before, and I was certain I never wanted to hear it again. But that wasn’t her fault—she was doing what she’d been trained to do.

I took the flowers and said, “Thank you.”

She curtsied to the queen and me, then headed back the way we’d come.

“This is where we part ways,” Queen Mira murmured and stopped. “Eva and I will walk down the aisle, and when the piano and violin play the bridal march, that’ll be your cue.”

I didn’t want to wish misfortune on anyone, but if the entire symphony got a sudden stomach bug, I’d be a fan. Anything that would get me out ofthis.

“You go first, dear.” The queen gestured for Eva to precede her, then smiled as a man my age, who I’d never seen before, appeared.

He wore a black tux with a white shirt and a black tie. When he held out his arm for Eva to take, his lips curled, and his cedar-brown eyes darkened with disgust.

Eva inhaled sharply, and Queen Miratsked. She patted the man’s arm. “Come now, Daniel. If you didn’t look so threatening, she wouldn’t be as uncomfortable.”

“Yes, my queen.” He bowed his head slightly, and his gelled, mousy-brown hair didn’t move an inch. “I’m just disappointed that Drake didn’t want a best man.”

“You know how Drake is. He doesn’t like to share the stage with anyone.” The queen’s chuckled held an edge. “Now, go on, Eva. He won’t bite.”

Releasing my arm, Eva inched toward Daniel, trying not to fall on the grass. Once she’d woven her arm through his, the two of them headed down the aisle. Before she disappeared from sight, she glanced back at me, her bottom lip trembling.