Page 74 of The Second Deal

Adrianshifts in his seat.Theleather creaks. “AllIsee is you and me, princesa.Thefuture is beyond me.”

“Don’tyou think that’s part of the problem?Iwant to get married one day.Iwant to have a family.Iwant to grow old with someone, to watch our kids grow up and have them help out at the festival just likeIdid.Myfamily has a legacy beyondTimelessIwant to pass down to mine andRobbie’skids, butIwant to be with someone who wants to be active in all of it.Iwant someone who can see and plan for that kind of future with me.”

Herubs his chin, staring out the windshield with an indiscernible expression illuminated by dashboard lights.

“Iknow you don’t want any of that,Dree,”Isay. “Whatwe have is just... it’s just a good time,Iguess.Butit’s nothing more than that.Itcan’t be.”

Hesighs heavily, pursing his lips at the waxing moon hanging in the sky. “Youever thinkIsaidIdidn’t want those things because you’re the only girlIwanted all that with?Because… what’s the point in doing any of it when your girl got away?Thewhite wedding, the white picket fence, the kids—what does any of it matter when your one and only is with your twin?”

Wedon’t dare look at one another, letting the dark silence in the cab consume us.

Ithought tonight was supposed to be fun.

“Wouldyou change anything about that night?”Iask. “Afterall this, would you have smoked or drank less, or slept in the front seat, something?”

Adrianshakes his head vehemently. “Don'tfucking play that game,Steph.Wecan’t change what happened.”

“Justanswer me.”

“No,” he says firmly. “Ifyou’re asking ifIwishIdidn’t betray my brother, then, yeah,Ido wish that.IwishI’d’vehad the fuckin’ balls to tell you howIfelt before he asked you out.Hesaid he forgives me, butIdon’t forgive myself for it.”

Mybottom lip trembles. “Hesaid he doesn’t forgive me.”

“Forleaving,”Adrianclarifies. “Zakis gonna love you forever.Butyou leaving forAtlantafucking destroyed him.”

“Thenwhy take me out on a date, huh?”Iyell, turning in my seat to face him. “Ifyou knowZakis always gonna feel that way, and you don’t forgive yourself for what we did, why are you trying so goddamn hard to be with me?”

Adriangrabs my jaw.Hisnostrils flare with each heavy exhale. “Becauseyou’re mine just as much as you are his.Youget that, princesa?Youmight’ve beenZak’sfirst, but you’ve always been mine.You’vealways beenours.”

Myface suddenly smashes into his, lips pressing hard against his as my fingers tangle in his hair to pull him closer.

“C’mere,” he growls against my mouth.

Somehow,Iswing myself over the console and straddle him.Hetakes my chin and leads my mouth to his, the desperation in the trembling of his lips and hands on me blasting desire straight through my core.

Ibunch my dress out of the way and reach for the steering wheel behind me to raise myself up from his lap.Hequickly unbuttons and pulls his shorts down.

Hiserect cock slapping my pussy makes me gasp softly.Adrianguides his dick along the slickness waiting for him, priming us both before he positions himself at my entrance.

Gently, he spreads me apart with his girth.WhenIsink down, we groan simultaneously.

Starsswirl and twinkle between us.

Heyanks the neckline of my dress so hard that fabric quietly rips.Coolair from theACflows over my bare chest and my nipples pebble.Hisarms wrap around me, and he peppers kisses over my chest, up and down my neck.

Icling to his shoulders asIride.

“Whydo you feel so good,”Iwhine in his ear.

Hishands still my face, making me stare at him. “Becauseyou’re a fuckingRamosslut.”

Iwhimper loudly as my eyes close, hips swaying over his.

Heforces me further down to take all of him, every last inch untilI’mfull and completely wrapped around him.

Hismoan is a goosebump-inducing melody. “You’vealways taken me so well.”

“Betterthan any groupie?”