“Betterthan anyone,” he rasps, his hips bumping up into mine.
“Whydo you want me so bad?”Iwhisper.
Hislips lock onto mine for the longest moment.Weboth moan and groan at the slightest movement of my hips, fromAdrian’scock swelling against the tightness of my inner walls.
Withhis hand caressing my cheek,Igaze into his piercing stare through the darkness. “Ilove you.”
MaybeI’vealways known.
Theway he would look at me during class or practice.Theway his eyes light up whenIwalk into a room.Howhe sends a message every day even if he knowsI’llignore it.Howhe goes out of his way to get under my skin.
Maybea part of me has always known thatAdrianRamosloves me like his twin brother does.
Iforce a hand between us to press fingers against my clit, desperately bouncing up and down on him and clenching my core so tightly that he whines.
I’mso close, andIwantAdrianto come in me.
Iwant to be his, too.
“Rightthere, baby,” he murmurs.
Myfingers move in harsh circles over my clit.
Themoan that escapes me is shrill and loud. “Dree...”
Hecaptures a nipple in his mouth, sucking and making me gyrate harder, faster.Idon’t care anymore if movement in the truck is noticeable from the outside.
“Dree,”Irepeat breathily, on the precipice of losing it.
Hewhimpers into my chest, his moans soaring higher until he slams all the way into me.
Theworld shatters into a colorful kaleidoscope that paints everything in brilliant crimson and indigo and gold.Itleaves everything with a peculiar new shimmer and sparkle that wasn’t there before, a dazzle that leaves me fumbling, blindly bumbling my way through foreign territory.
Ilike it here.
Andit’s fucking terrifying.
I’mleft clinging toAdrian, gasping for breath in his ear and pulsating around his cock as orgasm flows through me, as his come fills me to the brim. “Oh, myGod.”
Hisbreathing is ragged asIkiss the hollow of his ear.Thevein in his neck pulses under my lips asItrail down his throat.Hecaptures my chin and presses his mouth to mine.
Adriankisses me as ifIhold all the precious oxygen left in this world and he’s on his final breath.
Ormaybe like he finally made love to the girl he adores instead of hate-fucking her.
“Goddamnit,Iwanna take you home with me.”
Idon’t want to tell him no.
Instead,Ikiss him again, wishingIcould go home with him without upsetting anyone.Iwant to cuddle up toAdrianafter making love, to let him whisper sweet nothings until we both drift to sleep in each other’s arms.
ButIwant the same withZak, too.
Iwant him to hold me tight, to kiss me untilI’mbreathless and starving for him, to murmur how much he still loves me and wants me to be here.
Butthey’re brothers.Twinbrothers.