Imake a face, almost whining and stamping my foot at her. “Nothinghappened!”
Shelooks me up and down, making a sassy face back at me. “Justsurprised to hearZakdidn’t say or do anything.”
GivenwhatIdid to him, asking why would be a dumb question asBrandyhops into her car.ButIwas there last night—Ithink him trying to refuse to let me take him home was about all he could muster through the shock and drunkenness.
Aslong asIdon’t have to admit thatIactually hooked up withAdrianlast night.
Thehandle of my car is already hot to the touch, but my hand lingers when trees rustle in my periphery.WhenIturn to look over my shoulder, the owl suddenly bursts through, soaring into the air.
Irub my eyes and blink a few times.
Iswear,Isaw dark hair on its head.
Dead to Me
EverytimeIblink,the deer’s flayed guts flash behind my eyelids.Isearched forGigi’sprofile online to message her about it, telling her whatBrandyandIfound, and she messaged back saying she was already on the way with her boyfriend to check things out.
Themessage she sends whileI’mstopped at a light on the way toShannon’smakes me double take.
Somethingdragged it off.
Apicture of the approach shows no deer.Justa gigantic bloodstain painting the approach and the chalk pentacle a dark crimson.Eventhe whisky’s gone.
Ithink ik what’s going on.Someoneis playing the devil to stir up panic.Bet.
Ahorn honks behind me, andItoss my phone aside.
It’shard to push aside thoughts of ritual sacrifice and the deer and whisky no longer being at the bridge whenIarrive atShannon’sandKris’snew place not too far from theRamosbotanica.BeforeIleft, everyone was still at theRamosestate, butIguessKrisandShannonfinally had enough of sharing a house with two bachelors and she let the twins have the house since they’re forever joined at the hip and have to share everything, anyway.
Includingyou, apparently.
Igrowl at myself for the thought, bitching nonsensically untilIclimb out of my car in front of a faded yellow folkVictorianhouse with a red brick patio and teal metal columns.
Thescreen door suddenly swings open.
Alittle girl who is a lot bigger thanIremember sprints out the front door towards me—the flash of bright red and long dark hair is unmistakable.
Assoon asIstep onto the curb, she screams for me. “Abby!”
There’sbarely enough time to squat beforeAndreaflings herself at me.Justlike her tio, she’s solid and knocks the wind out of me, almost pushing me clean over onto my butt.
“Whendid you get so big?”Iexclaim, arms hugging her small frame tightly. “Oh, my goodness, sweetheart.”
“You’vebeen goneforever,Abby!”
I’mnot sure why this is the thing that rips my heart out of my chest and tears it into tiny pieces thatIcouldn’t possibly pick up and glue back together.
Asob escapes my chest, and tears leak down my nose asIbury my face in her curly brown hair, holding her more tightly.
“Abby?Areyou okay?”
Chokingback sobs,Ilift her from the ground and pivot away from the house whenShannonandKrisemerge, desperately hugging onto this little girlI’vecalled niece since before she was even born.Shemight’ve been a surprise born to teen parents, but she’s always been the highlight of our lives.Justwhen we thought we couldn’t push through for another show,Kriswould text us all a photo or video ofDreaencouraging us to keep going, and it would give us all the strength to do what we do best, even if it hurt.
WhenIfinally sniffle,Ikiss her head, stroke her long hair, and murmur, “Yeah,I’mokay.”