Page 28 of The Second Deal

Rocksclack a few feet away.WhenIopen my eyes,IfindZakstaring at me with the greatest ache pulling his features into a sour, heartbroken frown.I’mnot sure if it’s from me being here or from remembering all the hopes and dreams we talked about of having a little girl of our own.

Ihave to push those thoughts aside asIsetDreadown on the ground, stooping to her level.Iquickly swipe at the tears still streaking down my face.

Andreastares at me worriedly with big brown eyes.Withher sporting a bright red tulle skirt and sparkly matching crown, the tears dry.

Ican’t cry in front of a princess.Orher tio, whoIknow is still watching.

“Sowhere’s your puzzle at, huh?ThinkIowe you some help with one.”Imake a thoughtful face. “Ora million.”

Andreabeams, grabbing my hand and whisking me away quickly enough soIdon’t seeZak’sface.

“Hey,Kris!”Igreet, laughing as her mini-me drags me towards the backyard.

Heronly response is a forced, tight-lipped smile.

Andreadoesn’t give me any time to wonder, already telling me exactly where to sit on the patio overlooking an above-ground pool on brown, dead grass.Atwo-hundred-and-fifty-piece puzzle is spread out on a glass tabletop.

Thatlittle girl would force me to sit right next to her constantly-shirtless tioAdrian, whose cheeks lift until they’re touching his dark aviators.

Andthat damn tio would place his hand on my thigh, kiss my temple, and murmur, “Hey, baby.”

Imake a stink face at his glowing complexion beforeAndreaclaps her hands, demanding my attention.

“Abby!You’rehere for me, notTioDree.”

“Yes, ma’am.”Ijab my thumb inAdrian’sdirection, leaning closer to her to say, “Ithink you gotta make it clear to him, too.”

Theterrific death glare she gives must have been learned from her mother and subsequently perfected. “Tio, leaveAbbyalone.”

Adrian’shand finally leaves my thigh when he throws his hands up. “Okay, mija.”

Thesmirk loaded on his lips hides a devilish satisfaction when the backdoor swings open andKris,Shannon, andZakjoin us.

Shannonbarbecues with a beer in hand, showing off his farmer tan with a weirdly pale-ass torso for someone married into a river rat family.Thetwins andKrisdiscuss whatever event is going on at their family botanica later this evening, something about a workshop by a visiting curandero.

I’mdistracted by whoever is staring at me and making my skin crawl—probably theRamostwin speaking as little as humanly possible and already nearing the end of his first beer, tapping his tattooed and ringed fingers against the bottle—asAndreababbles about the last puzzle she did, the next puzzle she has picked out, and school.

Shelooks up at me with literal sparkles in her eyes. “Canwe have a puzzle night?Withsnacks from the fruteria like we used to withMamaandDeeDee?”

It’shard fighting off angry tears whenInotice the table falls silent.AngrythatI’velet her grow up so much without me.Thatbeing in the middle of theRamos-Dempsterfamily now makes me feel like a total stranger instead of part of it likeI’vealways been.

Ireach out to pinch her cheek, wrinkling my nose at her as ifI’mmaking a face, but it’s really to help blink away the burning in my sinuses. “Ofcourse we can.”

Iwon’t tell herBrandyhates my guts now, and her mama probably does, too.

“Youstill like raspas and churros, or are you getting intoHotCheetosand queso yet?Orpiccadilly likeAbbyandMama?”

“Ifyou woulda picked up the phone and called once in a while, you’d know,”Krisjabs in a firm voice.

Ibite down on my bottom lip asIstare atDrea.Igrab her hand and squeeze it gently before leaning closer. “YouknowAbby’svery sorry, right?”


“Callate!”Adrianpipes up quickly.Hegestures towardsAndrea. “Noenfrente de la princesita.”

“Kris, come make y’all’s plates,”Shannonsays sharply, cutting off the next thing she has loaded that stifles the air even more than the humidity and the clouds still rolling in.

Ihang back, lettingKrisleave the table first withAndrea, hoping it’ll give her a moment to chill out.ButAdriangrabs my hand and drags me inside the house.