Page 36 of Signature Of You



“Mommy.” I groaned and attempted to turn over only to realize that I was weighed down. Gracie had to be laying across my waist or something. The child slept like a wild animal, flipping and turning all night.

“Go back to sleep, Gracie. I’m here.”

I lifted a hand to rub her back only to realize it wasn’t my baby that had me immobilized. It was an arm.

His arm.

Shit, Jaasir is still here.

“Mommy.” But why was I still hearing Gracie’s voice? My eyes peeled open and I lifted my head from the pillows, trying to shaking the fog I was under. The sound of light knocking then Gracie’s voice quickly snapped me out of it.

“Mommy. You locked the door. You’re not ’posed to lock the door. You promised.”

“Shit, shit, shit.” I managed to wiggle from beneath his arm to climb out the bed, peeking over my shoulder before I turned the lock on the handle and quickly stepped out into the hallway. After lifting Gracie into my arms, she hugged my neck, burying her face in the curve, mumbling her displeasure once more.

“You locked the door.”

“I’m sorry, baby. Mommy made a mistake. It won’t happen again.” I brushed my hand over her wild hair kissing a chubby cheek. “Why are you up?”

“I had a bad dream, can I sleep in your bed?”

“How about I come lay down in yours with you? Remember, you’re a big girl now and nothing can get you. I won’t let it.”

“But you locked the door.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Come on.”

I crossed the hall with Gracie in my arms, climbing in her small bed, wiggling for comfort. Gracie was out minutes later like I knew she would be.

It never took much, so I kissed her cheek and pulled the covers over her body after I climbed out her bed again, trying my best to be quiet but the floor creaked a little because the house was old. Luckily, Gracie didn’t awaken so I pulled her door closed just enough before slipping back into my room.

“She okay?”

“Yeah, bad dream but she’s asleep again.”

He was up, sitting on the side of the bed. His clothes were on and his shoes were below him.

“You’re leaving?” I asked knowing that was what was happening but not wanting to face the reality. He nodded his answer, leaning down enough to tug his shoes on, standing once they were on his feet.

“Liq wasn’t expecting me to be out all night. I don’t like making him worry.”

I frowned with understanding. I would be the same way if Val didn’t come home.

Shit, Val.

I was being irresponsible.

Jaasir approached me, cuffing my face in his large hands.

He held me in the palm of his hands before I was blessed with a kiss. One that sent a jolt of energy through me reminding me of all the ways he’d touched me hours ago.

“I’ll call you later.”

“Don’t feel like you have to. I understand…”