Page 37 of Signature Of You

“Cadence.” He paused, allowing his eyes to lock with mine. “Stop overthinking. I’ll call you later, okay?”


“Come walk me out so you can lock the door when I leave.”

I followed him down the stairs, stopping at the front door where he pinned me against the wall next to it, using his body to hold me hostage while he kissed me again.

Hard, tight muscles, warm skin, and the light scent of cedar wood and something sweet. This time the kiss was slower, more in-depth. Heat blazed from my skin with every second his mouth remained connected to mine.

“Answer when I call,” he breathed out when we finally separated. His expression was hard as he stared down at me with an impenetrable look that had my chest rising and falling in a labored manner again.

“I will.”

His lips brushed mine once more before he freed me from the weight of his body holding mine in place. I stepped around him, unlocking the door, watching as he jogged down the stairs, climbed into his Jeep, then backed out of the driveway.

My teeth sank into my lip to suppress the smile he’d left behind until I heard Val’s voice.

“Since when do we have overnight guests?”

I carefully closed the door and locked it, turning to face the firing squad. “All the time as far as I can tell.”

“Me, not you, Cadee. This is not you.”

“I’m allowed to be happy. Weren’t you the one who told me that?” I rolled my eyes, bypassing my best friend as I climbed the stairs, peeking in on Gracie before crossing the hall into my room, followed by Val.

“Youareallowed to be happy. You more than anybody but that’s pushing it. It’s five in the morning. What if Gracie walked in and found him in your bed? It’s bad enough you spent the day together—”

Val hadn’t been at the park and I hadn’t told her about my plans. Yet another reason why I was being reckless.

“How do you know that?”

“This small ass town? How could I not? You spending time with Gracie and a man who everybody knows is not from here is big news.” She placed her hands on her curvy hips staring at me as I peeled the sheets off my bed, balling them in my arms on the way to the hamper that sat in the corner.

“It’s none of their business,” I argued, annoyed that people were talking. I wasn’t surprised but it still annoyed me.

“You’re right it’s not but it’s damn sure mine. I’m here, Cadence. Every day with you and Gracie. I’ve been here since you came home, scared and broken because of whathedid to you. This feels dangerously close to déjà vu.”

“It’s not, so relax. I know what I’m doing,” I yelled, not angry with Val but angry with myself for doing exactly what she was accusing me of. Being reckless.

“Do you? Because it doesn’t feel like it. Want to have a little fun, okay fine. Enjoy all the meaningless sex you want, but letting a man fall asleep in your bed, that’s pushing things. Being out in public with Gracie and a man who lives in the same world as her sperm donor, is imprudent. You can’t keep her hidden and then put her in the line of fire, Cadence. That’s dangerous game to play.”

“It’s not a game. Don’t you dare accuse me of putting her at risk. I would never do that.”

“Not intentionally, but let’s be honest. That’s exactly what you’re doing. All it takes is one person to recognize Sol and then your face and Gracie’s are all over everywhere for being with him.”

“Well good thing nobody here knows who he is. Problem solved.”

It was true. Even if the town was talking, the whispers were simply about a man they didn’t know.

Not Sol.

“I hope you do.”

“I do,” I warned and her expression softened as I turned to walk into my closet, returning with a fresh set of sheets. When I shook the fitted one free she hurried to the opposite side of the bed to help.

“I don’t want to ever see you that low again.”

“You won’t.”