Page 12 of Signature Of You

“Jassir Barrett.” I extended a hand which she lowered her eyes to before offering her own.

“Cadence Monroe.”

“We know have names, so again, why wouldn’t you be safe with me?”

She laughed, offering a slight shake of her head. “Because I feel the warning vibrating through my body.” Her gaze dropped like she was searching for the right words to express her thoughts. Thoughts that no doubt felt weighted with everything that was pushing between us. “Those are the type of warnings that you don’t ignore.”

“And what kind of warnings are those?”

Brown eyes that seemed to illuminate fastened to mine while flickering with amusement when she said, “The ones that make it clear that the only thing at risk is your heart.”

“I wish I could say that you’re wrong but you’re not. My track record isn’t the best. With all the existing bullshit imploding in my life right now, I shouldn’t even be here.”

For a split second I noticed her posture straighten while eyes laced with confusion and a splash of curiosity landed on mine. I could also read the question that slightly hung between us.

Then why are you here?

I had not one clue. I seriously didn’t fucking know what had brought me back to the place I knew or rather hoped she would be.

All I was sure of was that I was here in the presence of a woman who had no clue who I was, which meant she didn’t know all the bad that I had my hands on, the people I’d disappointed, or the trouble that seemed to follow me wherever I went.

A moment with no pretense or expectations was something I desired but hadn’t had in a very long time so the rest didn’t matter.

“Maybe you should go then?”

“Yeah maybe I should but again, you don’t want me to leave.”

She laughed, lightly shaking her head. “No, I don’t but I’ve lived enough to know that everything we want isn’t always what we should have.”

“It rarely is but many just this one time it might work out for both of us.”


Her smile was beautiful. Innocent in a way that didn’t seem naïve, light in a way that camouflaged a dark past. Simply a woman who’d made up her mind to make the best of things.

“Maybe you could help me out with something. I’ve been here for a few weeks and don’t have a clue about the town.”

“I’m not a tour guide but I’d be happy to recommend one.”

I grinned at her teasing. She knew damn well what I was getting at but wasn’t going to make it easy. “I don’t want a tour guide. Iwantyou.”

“Well you can’thaveme. I already belong to someone.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“You meant itexactlylike that.”

Yeah I did and fuck whoever you think you belong to. They just might have to share for a little while.

I wasn’t going to be here long so it wasn’t like I was making plans to give something I wasn’t in the position to offer, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t open to having a little fun.

Something about this woman had me convinced that maybe just for a little while she could help me erase the memory of all the fucked up things that I didn’t want to remember. Make me forget long enough to feel like I could really be happy.

Happiness I didn’t deserve.

“You’re right but you already said you belong to someone so what I meant doesn’t matter. I’m not the type of man who imposes on another man’s territory.”

Something flashed in her eyes but she quickly recovered with, “Good to know.”