Page 11 of Signature Of You

In my peripheral I could see the guy who she’d walked out with pushing through the door to go back inside. If he was protection he did a piss poor job and she should have been more cautious of her own safety as well.

For some reason, she didn’t seem alarmed when I walked up behind her. Maybe that had to do with the fact that she’d sensed me long before I made it close enough.

“You left money on the table.” She wrinkled her nose, staring at me like she was both happy to see me but uncomfortable with the fact that I was there.

Her stance was defensive, one arm gripping the other just above her elbow that was locked at her side. The bad thing was that she somehow triggered that thing inside me which had me tilting toward my reckless side.


“I told you to pay at the bar.”

“Me and rules are like oil and water. Not a big fan of doing what I’m told.”

“One of those.” She snorted and adjusted the set of keys which had been dangling from her fingers. “Did you need something?”

Yes, you.

“Not sure.”

She stared with an intensity that had me pausing for the moment when she would acknowledge who I was. It was almost as if she was trying to piece it together by looking past what was standing in front of her but if she had she decided not to say.

“Well word of advice, you might not want to be out here lurking in the shadows. Could give the impression that you’re a bad guy or something.”

I chuckled, amused by how true that was. “I’m definitely not a good guy. That I can promise you.”

“Then I guess I would be smart of me to leave now.”

“It would, but you don’t want to?”

Her eyes bounced around the empty parking lot before they found me again. “What makes you so sure about that?”

“You’re still here.”

She lifted a brow in challenge before saying, “I was being polite.”

“You make a habit of being polite to complete strangers in deserted parking lots at two in the morning? Doesn’t seem like the best decision.”

“Do you make a habit of lurking around deserted parking lots at two in the morning?” I laughed under my breath before massaging my chin and tugging at the end of my beard. I didn’t miss the way her eyes followed the motion.

“No, actually I don’t. Can’t say I ever have and typically I don’t do people at all. I’m kind of a loner or at least I prefer to be.”

“I bet it’s hard for a man that looks like you to keep people away.”

There was no stopping the smile that followed when I stepped a little closer, looking down at her. She didn’t seem alarmed by me being in her personal space. It was like she trusted me and I liked that.

“A man who looks like me? And how do I look?”

“Like the best and worst kind of trouble. The kind of trouble that you should have all types of regret about but you can’t because it was the sweetest sin you’ve ever experienced in your life. That’s what you look like, which is why I’m done being polite and am about to go home where I know it’s safe.”

She had no idea who I was. There was something appealing about this woman simply seeing me. Even if what she saw was just my looks, that was still better than being viewed as promising opportunity.

It had been so long since I’d met anyone who didn’t immediately think, “if I could just have a piece of him, just one small piece” then they’d accomplished something.

“What makes you think you wouldn’t be safe with me?”

“How can I be safe with someone whose name I don’t even know?”

Valid point.