Page 7 of Hauling Her In



It’s a Friday night, so dive or not, Breakers is packed. Shouldering my way through a tightly bunched crowd of people, sweaty skin brushing against mine doesn’t slow me down until long nails dig into my forearm, stopping me in my tracks. I glare down at the sharp red nails pressing into my skin, my eyes moving up to the woman they’re attached to.

Flirty dark eyes ringed with makeup peer up at me and a fast tongue that I’m very familiar with snakes across plump and glossy lips as Candy smiles. “Hi Jake, long time no see.”

Her voice, low and throaty, used to do wild things to me. Tonight, I’m in no mood. “Candy,” I acknowledge with a grunt.

Releasing my arm, her hand goes to my chest teasingly trailing down my abs. “What’s your hurry? You can buy me a drink and maybe we can go somewhere.”

I grab her hand and gently pry her away. “Not tonight. Been a long week and I’m not looking to blow off that kind of steam.”

Her ruby red lips puff out in a pout that does nothing for me, my mind craving softer pink lips instead.

Candy’s smile is brittle when she pulls her hand out of my loose grasp. “Your loss,” she says, already moving on, her slim figure soon swallowed up in the crowd.

Tom is idly grinding blue chalk onto his stick when I finally make it back to our table. His eyes are distant and his smile knowing when his gaze turns to me. “See Candy found you. Surprised you’re back.”

I offer him a beer. “Not feelin’ it.”

Bushy red brows a shade darker than his hair swoop down low on his brow. “You mind if I have a go at her?”

Raising my bottle briefly, I tip it in the direction Candy went. “You know I’m not like that. If she’s game, go for it.”

I busy myself shooting some practice shots while Tom eagerly goes off in search of Candy. I’ve barely made it through a quarter of my beer when Tom’s back. He doesn’t let rejection get to him and his grin is still on his face when he grabs his stick and beer.

Racking the balls, my back is turned when Tom’s voice pipes up next to me. “Hello, ladies.”

My brows bunch up and I smirk at the table, shaking my head. Leave it to Tom. He strikes out with one lady and now more have fallen into his lap. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.

My smirk falls when a sweet voice asks, “Can we play a few games with you guys?”

Jerking around, my ass thumps into the pool table, a lump firmly lodging in my throat when I spy my princess and her friend standing there, looking way too beautiful to be in a place like Breakers. They should be in some fancy club in the city, drinking pink champagne and laughing while guys with soft hands that wear suits spout whatever stuff rich girls like to hear.

I’m a rough ex-con, my hands ain’t soft and I don’t know all the pretty words. But damn if I don’t want to be whispering the words I do know in her tiny shell-like ear while grinding my erection into her ass.

There’s no fucking way I can play pool with her and keep my hands to myself. I’m about to tell her hell no when Tom, dick that he is, his eyes lighting up like a carnival ride, opens his big mouth.

“We’d be honored.”

My eyes squeeze closed in frustration while my fingers ball into tight fists. It takes everything in me not to sock one in Tom’s gut.

Exhaling through my nose, I open my eyes and let my fingers go loose, accepting my fate.

“I’m Tom and this silent ass is Jake.” The back of Tom’s hand smacks my chest, and I force a slight grin.

Redhead takes the lead, smoothly gliding forward and extending a small hand tipped in nails the same color green of her shirt to Tom. “Hi, Tom.” She nods at me. “Jake. I’m Blaire and this is my bestie, Savannah.”

Savannah… my princess now has a name, and it rolls around in my head. My tongue feels like a lump of mush in my mouth, and I just stand there like a dolt, unable to take my eyes off of her.

She gives an adorable little wave, her nose doing that crinkle thing again that I thought meant she smelt something off, but now I’m wondering if that’s just something she does. It’s cute. Hell, every part of her I can see is downright attractive.

“Well, now that introductions are out of the way, are we gonna play pool or what?” Blaire says with a wide grin. She hooks her arm through Tom’s and gives him a hip bump that probably sends his heartrate into space. “Doubles? Tom and me against Jake and Savannah?”

Tom looks like he’s died and gone to heaven. Far be it from me to ruin his fun. I can suck it up. “You girls even know how to play?” I ask them both, but my gaze is pinned on Savannah.

She goes to the wall and grabs two sticks, tossing one to Blaire, who catches it single-handedly, and grins. “Oh, we know how to play.”