Page 6 of Hauling Her In

Tossing my stick at him, I smirk when he fumbles it. “I don’t know about that, but I’ll cover the next round.” I amble over to the bar, muscling my way in next to the blonde and slapping a twenty down. “Hers is on me and two beers.”

She turns and her cute little nose crinkles slightly, just like it did when she caught a whiff of the garbage-filled hopper yesterday. But then her blue eyes widen, and her full pink lips part and I’m a goner. Cause she doesn’t just have plain old blue eyes. No, they’re some fancy shade with the blues all tumbled together, making me think of the ocean.

Up close, she’s even more fucking perfect. Her pink t-shirt has a shine to it that I think might be silk and the black cowboy boots she’s wearing, I doubt, have ever seen a speck of honest to goodness dirt. But it’s her perfume that has my mouth going dry. She smells sweet and tangy like a ripe berry and I wanna sink my teeth into her so bad.

A hit of lust punches me hard in the gut as my chest feels tight.

Recognition flashes in her eyes. “Hey! You’re the trash guy!” Her lips turn up into the sweetest of smiles.

Flinching at her words, my lust cools instantly. I’m in decent clothes. My jeans and shirt are clean, but next to her I suddenly feel grimy and somewhat less.

Grabbing the bottles of beer, I nod. “That’s me, princess. Enjoy your drink.” My voice is gruff and I’m not gentle as I plow my way through the people behind me to get back to the pool table.

“Thanks again for your help and the drink,” she calls after me.

I swallow down the lump that’s clogging my throat and manage to toss her a weak grin over my shoulder. “Don’t mention it.”

Stomping back to Tom, my mood is foul. What the hell was I thinking? I’d seen the houses in that neighborhood. If any of them are under five mil, I’d eat my hat. A girl like that is way out of my league.

And as she so kindly reminded me, I’m the trash guy. I haul her trash and that’s it.



Weaving through the tight crowd of big beefy guys surrounding the bar, I make my way over to the far wall where Blaire is. She scurries over to me and grabs my arms. “OMG, who was that?” she squeals, shaking my arms. Beer sloshes over the mouths of the bottles, splashing my fingers and leaving wet spots on my silk shirt.

A pout puckers up my lips. We got these matching shirts earlier today and now mine’s ruined. And I really liked it!

But I can’t blame Blaire for her excitement. I’m shocked I kept it together when hottie trash guy suddenly appeared next to me looking seriously jacked and far more gorgeous than even my memory made him out to be. He was in basic faded blue jeans and a dark green shirt, with his dark brown hair combed away from his face and a hint of stubble on his wide square jaw.

If that wasn’t enough to drench my panties, the smell of sandalwood and warm male coming off him in waves would have done it. I wanted to cozy up to his big arm and just sniff him. Things would have gotten embarrassing fast.

“Vanna? Earth to Vanna… where did you go?”

Giving myself a little shake, I hand her a beer and slurp the spilled liquid off the hand holding my bottle. “He’s the trash collector who I chased down yesterday.”

Blaire’s thick black eyelashes flutter as her green eyes widen. “Well, yum. I would wallow in some dirt with him any day!”

“Stop!” I demand with a bit of steel in my voice, flicking some of the beer still clinging to my fingers at her. I know she’s just talking, but I also know my friend. She’s a magnet for good-looking guys and goes through them faster than she does shoes. I don’t want her hitting on him because…

A whoosh sounds in my ears, momentarily drowning out the bar noises.

Because I want him.

“Girl, are you okay? You look like you just found out this season’s Louboutins are on sale. What gives?”

Dazed, I blink rapidly and take a long sip of my beer before I can get the words out. “I think… I think I’m crushing on my trashman.”

“Woohoo! You truly are slumming it!” Blaire knocks beer bottles with me and takes a long gulp of hers. “But wouldn’t that royally tick off your dad? I mean, he ended up not liking Grant whatshisface, but he went to the trouble of getting you two together to play tennis because he’s a lawyer and the son of a judge. And Grant’s a member of his club and one of the ‘right’ people. Trash guy is hot, but I don’t see your dad being thrilled if you brought him home.”

Daddy did promise me no more playing matchmaker, but Blaire has a point. He would still expect me to date someone he would approve of, and I can’t see a trash collector being on his list.

Staring across the room, I catch sight of a now familiar dark head of hair and a flare of heat curls low in my belly bringing a warm flush all over my body.

I’m a big girl who can make her own choices and if I want to date a blue-collared guy, well darn it, I will.

I grab Blaire’s arm and haul her close. “Let’s go play pool!”