She pouts but nods her head in acceptance. “Okay fine, at least stay for breakfast?”

Zane pauses, contemplating her request for a second before shaking his head and standing. “I’ll take a plate up to my office. I promise the rest of the week I’m all yours.”

Chloe nods and I watch him leave, not missing the way his sweat pants wrap perfectly around his tight ass.

Oh, I’m planning on that Zane. You’ll be mine by the time Christmas rolls around, that’s a fucking guarantee.

* * *

“Rockin’around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.”

Chloe O'Connell is in her element, dancing around merrily and singing jolly just as the song playing on the cabin's surround sound says. I can’t help smiling at the sheer look of happiness in her eyes as she hangs ornament after ornament, tinsel garland after tinsel garland, making this tree look like something you’d find in the middle of Rockefeller Center or the Plaza Hotel.

My contribution - spiking our hot cocoa of course. My favorite thing about Christmas is the peppermint schnapps.

“It’s coming together so perfectly,” she shrieks, picking up another string of colored LED lights.

“It sure is something,” I mutter from my spot on the sectional. I gave up right around the tenth bauble and fifth strand of garland. Figured I’m put to better use drinking the incredible hot cocoa. Chloe wasn’t kidding, this shit is fucking magical.

“There, it’s perfect,” she says, placing the last ornament at her reach. “Now we just need Zane to add the last garland to the top, the angel, and it’s the best Christmas tree you’ll ever see.”

“Given it’s the only Christmas tree I’ve ever decorated, I’d say it’s already pretty great,” I joke, raising my mug up to her in a toast.

“Oh Avery, when you say things like that it truly breaks my heart.” She comes over to sit beside me, resting her head on my lap.

I adjust myself slightly to make room for her.

“Come on Chlo,” I mutter, running my fingers tenderly through her hair, “Don’t cry on me now. Just because I didn’t have these perfect Christmases doesn’t mean they were missed. I honestly never even cared for them. It’s kind of hard when you don’t really know what you’re missing out on. But I’m totally fine with it,” I add, bringing the cup of hot cocoa to my lips. “A few more cups of these and my shitty childhood is made up for.”

She scoffs. “I told you, Zane is freaking magical,” she says proudly, jokingly brushing off her shoulders.

“Yeah and pretty hot too,” I blurt out, too little too late.

“Avery!” she shrieks, sitting up and looking around the room to make sure Zane isn’t nearby.

“Shit.” I laugh to myself. “Must be the schnapps.” She rolls her eyes in annoyance but I pat my lap telling her to lay her head back down. “Come on Chlo, you have to admit he’s a damn sexy bastard. It’s no wonder you were so heartbroken when your momma dumped him.” I raise a brow, challenging her to deny it.

She doesn’t.

She twists on my lap so she’s lying on her back facing the ceiling. “Oh, I was happy for him, my mom never knew how to value his loyalty, but it sucked not having him around.” Her expression turns solemn for a moment, but she’s quick to brush it off.

I continue playing with her hair, the two of us lying here talking about her sexy as fuck stepdad like it’s the most normal thing, not paying any attention to the fact he’s just down the hall.

“Yeah, I’m sure it sucked,” I mock, her cheeks reddening at my crass pun.


I set the cup down beside me, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. “Oh, quit Avery-ing me. Zane is a total smoke show and you my dear need to hit that.”

“Oh my God, Avery. He’s my stepfather,” she whispers like he’s standing in the room with us. I lean in closer, inhaling the deliciously sweet smell of her vanilla and cherry blossom body wash.

I’m taken back for a moment, a strange shock of heat flowing through me as I feel her body tense.Shit, that was weird.

“Key word, step,” I moan deliberately. “And ex-stepdaddy at that. He’s nothing of yours, Chlo. Is it a bit twisted? Sure. Slightly taboo? Perhaps. So fucking hot? Fuck yeah!”

She sits up abruptly. “Shh, he’s going to hear you,” she whispers into my neck, but the hint of pink on her cheeks is now a deep crimson staining her face and neck. I look down at her lips just an inch away from mine and something makes a shiver of arousal flow through me. Realizing this is getting dangerously comfortable for me, I sit back.

“Good, let him,” I add, acting nonchalant about the whole situation. “Then he’d know you want him to fuck the holly jolly out of you.”